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LGA response to DfE consultation on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education draft regulations and statutory guidance

The LGA supports the Government’s decision to make relationship education at primary and relationship and sex education at secondary compulsory in all schools and health education compulsory in all state-funded schools, however we would like to see HE made compulsory in all schools

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Key messages

  • The draft regulations need to clearly spell out which schools the regulations apply to, so that all schools with a duty on them can fulfil it. The regulations will be read by a broad audience and would benefit from an explanatory note.
  • We are disappointed that the proposed content does adequately address mental health and wellbeing issues or reflect parity of esteem between mental and physical health. It also does not take into account the Government’s wider reforms for CYP Mental health provision. This needs to be addressed.
  • We recommend that domestic abuse is given a higher profile in RE, RSE and Financial education to reflect the Government’s plans in the forthcoming Domestic Abuse Bill.
  • Parents have a right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of sex education. The guidance should be strengthened and training and support offered to teachers and head teachers to enable them to deal with this

  • Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHE) has proven benefits to mental and physical health, online and offline safety and in preparing CYP for life and work. Many pupils miss out on these benefits because it does not have statutory status. For RE, HE and RSE to have full impact PSHE must be given statutory status in all schools and parents must be given the same rights to withdraw their child.

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LGA response to DfE consultation on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education draft regulations and statutory guidance