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LGA response to DfT Draft Accessibility Action Plan, 15 November 2017

The LGA welcomes the ambition behind the draft accessibility action plan. It is vitally important that as many transport options as possible are open to everyone and councils will do all they can to help meet the goals contained within the plan.

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With such a wide variety of schemes and investments mentioned there is a risk that the plan could become ill-focused. By listing every possible intervention that the Government is considering there is no focus on which measures could bring about the biggest improvements. There is no sense of prioritisation and about the trade-offs in other areas of policy that will be required. It is our hope that the action plan will begin a serious process of ensuring that all transport policy can be inclusive and capture the benefits of mobility for all.

Our general comments are that in its current scope there is a risk that the plan is simply a list of measures that the Government is considering. Whilst councils may have views on all elements of the plan in their role as place shapers, we have limited our comments to those areas that are specifically within councils’ control.

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LGA response to DfT Draft Accessibility Action Plan, 15 November 2017