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Forget What You Think You Know... about climate action

In this episode, one of our NGDP graduates, Katie Goodger, explores what is needed to fulfil the COP26 Glasgow Pact and what else could have been added so communities could go further and faster on climate action.

Forget What You Think You Know

Episode 7: Climate action

In this episode, Katie Goodger explores what was agreed at COP26 in Glasgow, what is needed to fulfil the Glasgow Pact and what else could have been added so communities could go further and faster on climate action. The podcast also explores the important need for diverse leadership when it comes to tackling climate change, and why it is vital every level of government plays a role in tackling climate change. Speakers include: Corinne Le Quere, a Royal Society Research Professor of Climate Change Science; Cllr Pippa Heylings, Deputy Chair of the LGA’s Environment, Housing and Transport Board; and Olivia Sweeney, from Black and Green Ambassadors.

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