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Forget What You Think You Know... about levelling up

In this episode, one of our NGDP graduates, Nathan Brewster, explores levelling up and what this will mean to local communities, with the help of experts Esther Webber (Politico), Councillor Richard Leese (Manchester City Council) and Daniel Bellis (Federation of Small Businesses).

Forget What You Think You Know

Episode 5: Levelling up

Levelling up has been mentioned on a number of occasions by Government as a nod to their plans to ensure no area is left behind as we look to recover from the pandemic. But what should communities expect to see from levelling up and how will this be delivered? In this episode Nathan Brewster, a graduate on the National Graduate Development Programme (NGDP), talks to Esther Webber, senior UK correspondent for Politico Europe, to get an insight into what we should expect from the Levelling Up White Paper, expected later this year.

Nathan also visits Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council to hear what his residents must see from levelling up and how the council can play a role; and Daniel Bellis, Senior Policy Adviser from Federation of Small Businesses to hear what businesses need to see in order to recover and thrive in the future. As always please remember to subscribe to our channel and feel free to listen and download our other episodes in the series. 

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