All eight webinars were recorded and can be accessed on the Local Government Association (LGA) web pages. The slides used by the presenters have also been published on the same web pages, the links for which are given below. Each of the eight webinars was organised around a particular theme:
Foundations for positive practice in safeguarding people who are homeless
Presenters: Professor Michael Preston-Shoot and Bruno Ornelas
17 December 2020
Commissioning and provider services: safeguarding people experiencing homelessness
Presenters: Gill Taylor and Rebecca Pritchard
13 January 2021
Psychologically-informed and reflective practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness
Presenters: Katy Shorten and Lydia Guthrie
18 January 2021
Learning lessons from the response to Covid-19 regarding safeguarding people experiencing homelessness
Presenters: Susan Harrison, Atara Fridler, Laurence Coaker and Stephen Parkin
25 January 2021
Legal literacy in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness
Presenters: Professor Michael Preston-Shoot, Laura Pritchard-Jones and Henry St Clair Miller
15 February 2021
Governance of adult safeguarding and homelessness
Presenters: Jane Cook, Professor Adi Cooper and Professor Michael Preston-Shoot
23 February 2021
Tackling specific issues: safeguarding people experiencing homelessness
Presenters: Mike Ward, Barney Wells and Aileen Edwards and Alison Comley (Golden Key)
1 March 2021
Making every adult matter and every contact count – reviewing learning about positive practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness.
Presenters: Carl Price, Jason, John, Kinga and Tom (Independent Futures) and Claire Barcham
8 March 2021
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Care and Health Improvement Programme is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care and delivered by the Local Government Association, in collaboration with the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services. The ethos within the programme is one of sector led improvement.
The web links to the webinars may be found in the resources section of this briefing.
Pawson, R., Boaz, A., Grayson, L., Long, A. and Barnes, C. (2003) Types and Quality of Knowledge in Social Care. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Quotation in Taylor, G., Price, C. and Clint, S. (2022) ‘Seen but not heard: why challenging your assumptions about homelessness is a matter of life and death.’ In A. Cooper and M. Preston-Shoot (eds) Adult Safeguarding and Multiple Exclusion Homelessness: Evidence for Positive Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Quotation within a Thematic SAR on People who Sleep Rough, published by Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (2020).
Quotation from the Executive and Oversight Report, published by Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board and Safer Leeds (2020), on “Understanding and Progressing the City’s Learning of the Experience of People Living a Street-Based Life in Leeds.”.
Published by Luton Safeguarding Adults Board (2018).
Within Ms H and Ms I, Thematic SAR, Tower Hamlets Safeguarding Adults Board (2020).
Presentation by Carl Price (2021) “Being homeless – How did I feel?” Presentation by Stephen Parkin (2021) “A qualitative study of the experiences of people (with experience of rough sleeping/homelessness) who were temporarily accommodated in London hotels as part of the ‘Everyone In’ initiative (March-September 2020).”
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Quotation within a Thematic SAR on People who Sleep Rough, published by Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (2020)
Presentations by Carl Price (2021) “Being homeless – How did I feel?” and by Jason, John, Kinga and Tom (members of Independent Futures) (2021) “What works and what doesn’t for homelessness? A perspective informed by lived experience.”
For example, South Yorkshire Housing Association (2021) Housing First Rotherham: Impact Report 2020.
For example, Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Department of Health and Social Care (2018) Care and Support Statutory Guidance: Issued under the Care Act 2014. London: The Stationery Office (section 6.30).
Section 6.38.
Section 6.40.
Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2019) ‘Self-neglect and safeguarding adult reviews: towards a model of understanding facilitators and barriers to best practice.’ Journal of Adult Protection, 21 (4), 219-234.
Presentation by Katy Shorten and Lydia Guthrie (2021) “Trauma-informed and reflective practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness.”
Presentation by Bruno Ornelas (2020) “Understanding care assessments and safeguarding planning for people experiencing homelessness.”
Section 9, Care Act 2014.
Section 67, Care Act 2014.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Local Government Social Care Ombudsman and Hertfordshire County Council (2020) (Case Reference 19 000 200).
See Isle of Wight Council (2021) Homeless and Support News. Issue 1.
Presentation by Bruno Ornelas (2020) “Understanding care assessments and safeguarding planning for people experiencing homelessness.” Presentation by Claire Barcham (2021) “Safeguarding homeless adults out of hours – the role of Emergency Duty Teams.” See also Thacker, H., Anka, A. and Penhale, B. (2020) Professional Curiosity in Adult Safeguarding. Dartington: Research in Practice.
Care Assessment toolkit
Buckley, S., Tickle, A. and McDonald, S. (2020) ‘Implementing psychological formulation into complex needs homeless hostels to develop a psychologically informed environment.’ Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness, 1-10.
Sanders, B. and Albanese, F. (2017) An examination of the scale and impact of enforcement interventions on street homeless people in England and Wales. London: Crisis.
Mason, K., Cornes, M., Dobson, R., Meakin, A., Ornelas, B. and Whiteford, M. (2017/18) ‘Multiple exclusion homelessness and adult social care in England: exploring the challenges through a researcher-practitioner partnership.’ Research, Policy and Planning, 33 (1), 3-14.
Public Health England (2018) Evidence Review: Adults with Complex Needs (with a particular focus on street begging and street sleeping). London: Public Health England.
Mason, K., Cornes, M., Dobson, R., Meakin, A., Ornelas, B. and Whiteford, M. (2017/18) ‘Multiple exclusion homelessness and adult social care in England: exploring the challenges through a researcher-practitioner partnership.’ Research, Policy and Planning, 33 (1), 3-14.
Tower Hamlets SAB (2020) Ms H and Ms I: Thematic Review.
Presentation by Katy Shorten and Lydia Guthrie (2021) “Trauma-informed and reflective practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness.”
Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
For example, “Protecting adults at risk: the London multi-agency policy and procedures to safeguard adults from abuse. Practice guidance: safeguarding adults risk assessment and risk rating tool.”
For example, Norfolk SAB Self-Neglect Hoarding Strategy and Guidance Document.
Safeguarding toolkit
Section 19, Care Act 2014.
Presentation by Bruno Ornelas (2020) Understanding care assessments and safeguarding planning for people experiencing homelessness.”
Presentation by Mike Ward (2021) “Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers.”
Presentation by Katy Shorten and Lydia Guthrie (2021) “Trauma-informed and reflective practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS. See also, Kirklees SAB (2021) SAR - Adult N. City of London and Hackney SAB (2020) SAR – MS.
Pathway with Lambeth Council, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, ThamesReach, the Greater London Authority and EASL (no date) Mental Health Service: Assessments for Rough Sleepers – Tools and Guidance.
Presentation by Mike Ward (2021) “Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers.”
Presentation by Laura Pritchard-Jones (2021) “Legal Literacy: Navigating the Complexities (and Misconceptions) in the Legislation.”
NICE (2018) Decision-Making and Mental Capacity. London: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence.
Teeswide SAB (2017) SAR – Carol.
Plymouth SAB (2017) SAR – Ruth Mitchell.
Isle of Wight SAB (2018) SAR – Howard. Tower Hamlets SAB (2020) Ms H and Ms I, Thematic SAR.
CD v Croydon LBC [2019] EWHC 2943 (Fam). Presentation by Mike Ward (2021) “Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers.”
PC and Another v City of York Council [2013] EWCA Civ 478. Presentation by Laura Pritchard-Jones (2021) “Legal Literacy: Navigating the Complexities (and Misconceptions) in the Legislation.”
See, for example, Norfolk SAB Self-Neglect Hoarding Strategy and Guidance Document. Pathway with Lambeth Council, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, ThamesReach, the Greater London Authority and EASL (no date) Mental Health Service: Assessments for Rough Sleepers – Tools and Guidance.
See Boddy, J., Bowyer, S., Godar, R., Hale, C., Kearney, J., Preston, O., Wheeler, B. and Wilkinson, J. (2020) Evaluation of Pause. London: Department for Education. Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Department of Health and Social Care (2018) Care and Support Statutory Guidance: Issued under the Care Act 2014. London: The Stationery Office (section 19.11),
Department of Health and Social Care (2018) Care and Support Statutory Guidance: Issued under the Care Act 2014. London: The Stationery Office (section 6.86).
Presentation by Mike Ward (2021) “Safeguarding Vulnerable Dependent Drinkers.”
For example, Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project. See also Boddy, J., Bowyer, S., Godar, R., Hale, C., Kearney, J., Preston, O., Wheeler, B. and Wilkinson, J. (2020) Evaluation of Pause. London: Department for Education.
Section 6 (4) (b).
For example, Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project. Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS. See also, City of London and Hackney SAB (2020) SAR – MS.
Section 42 (1), Care Act 2014.
Presentation by Laura Pritchard-Jones (2021) “Legal Literacy: Navigating the Complexities (and Misconceptions) in the Legislation.”
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Presentation by Bruno Ornelas (2020) “Understanding care assessments and safeguarding planning for people experiencing homelessness.”
Presentation by Aileen Edwards and Alison Comley (2021) “Creative Safeguarding for People with Multiple Disadvantage.”
Presentation by Laura Pritchard-Jones (2021) “Legal Literacy: Navigating the Complexities (and Misconceptions) in the Legislation.” Presentation by Barney Wells (2021) “Mental Capacity Assessments when People are Sleeping Rough: Identifying Challenges and Training Needs.”
Presentation by Michael Preston-Shoot (2021) “Legal Literacy: What it is and why it matters.”
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
R (SG) v Haringey LBC [2015] EWHC 2579 (Admin).
Essex County Council v RF and Others (Deprivation of Liberty and Damage) [2015] EWCOP 1.
A Local Authority v GP and RP [2020] EWCOP 56.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Presentation by Henry St Clair Miller (2021)”Supporting people with NRPF: legal framework and good practice.” Presentation by Laura Pritchard-Jones (2021) “Legal Literacy: Navigating the Complexities (and Misconceptions) in the Legislation.”
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS
Presentation by Katy Shorten and Lydia Guthrie (2021) “Trauma-informed and reflective practice in safeguarding people experiencing homelessness.” See also Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
See also presentation by Jason, John, Kinga and Tom (members of Independent Futures) (2021) “What works and what doesn’t for homelessness? A perspective informed by lived experience.”
Presentation by Michael Preston-Shoot (2021) “Legal Literacy: What it is and why it matters.”
For example, Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (2020) Thematic Safeguarding Adults Review regarding People who Sleep Rough. Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board (2019) SAR – Josh.
Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board and Safer Leeds (2020) Understanding and Progressing the City’s Learning of the Experience of People Living a Street-Based Life in Leeds.
Presentation by Rebecca Pritchard (2021) ““Commissioning to safeguard people who are homeless: a provider’s perspective.”
Presentations by Jason, John, Kinga and Tom (Independent Futures), Carl Price, Aileen Edwards and Alison Comley, Gill Taylor, and Rebecca Pritchard all emphasised co-production.
Presentation by Rebecca Pritchard (2021) “Commissioning to safeguard people who are homeless: a provider’s perspective.”
Presentation by Gill Taylor (2021) “Homelessness and adult safeguarding: best practice in commissioning.”
For example, Safer Arun Partnership (2019) Arun Street Community Outreach Keyworker Project.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) Adult Safeguarding and Homelessness: A Briefing on Positive Practice. London: LGA and ADASS.
Presentation by Adi Cooper (2021) “Safeguarding Adults Boards and multiple exclusion homelessness: the challenges of leadership and governance.”
Presentations by Adi Cooper (2021) “Safeguarding Adults Boards and multiple exclusion homelessness: the challenges of leadership and governance” and by Michael Preston-Shoot (2021) “Governance of adult safeguarding and homelessness: learning from safeguarding adult reviews, research and practice.”
See, for example, Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (2020) Thematic Review – Homelessness. Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board (2021) Thematic Safeguarding Adults Review – Homelessness.
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Preston-Shoot, M. (2020) ‘Making any difference? Conceptualising the impact of safeguarding adults boards.’ Journal of Adult Protection, 22 (1), 21-34.
Preston-Shoot, M. and Taylor, G. (2022) ‘Learning from safeguarding adult reviews and fatality reviews.’ In Cooper, A. and Preston-Shoot, M. (eds) Adult Safeguarding and Multiple Exclusion Homelessness: Evidence for Positive Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Presentation by Jane Cook (2021) “Learning from deaths and solution focused responses to complex needs.”
Preston-Shoot, M., Braye, S., Preston, O., Allen, K. and Spreadbury, K. (2020) National SAR Analysis April 2017 – March 2019: Findings for Sector-Led Improvement. London: LGA/ADASS.
Presentation by Jane Cook (2021) “Learning from deaths and solution focused responses to complex needs.” Presentation by Michael Preston-Shoot (2021) “Governance of adult safeguarding and homelessness: learning from safeguarding adult reviews, research and practice.”
Section 6 (6) (e).
Presentation by Susan Harrison (2021) “Social injustice kills on a grand scale – health, homelessness and housing supply.”
See, for example, Oxfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (2020) Thematic Review – Homelessness. Haringey Safeguarding Adults Board (2021) Thematic Safeguarding Adults Review – Homelessness.
Asmussen, K., Fischer, F., Drayton, E. and McBride, T. (2020) Adverse Childhood Experiences: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What Should Happen Next. London: Early Intervention Foundation.
Presentation by Atara Fridler and Laurence Coaker (2021) “Homelessness response to COVID-19.”
Presentation by Atara Fridler and Laurence Coaker (2021) “Homelessness response to COVID-19.” Presentation by Henry St Clair Miller (2021) ”Supporting people with NRPF: legal framework and good practice.”
Presentation by Jason, John, Kinga and Tom (members of Independent Futures) (2021) “What works and what doesn’t for homelessness? A perspective informed by lived experience.” See also, Spencer’s story in Isle of Wight Council (2021) Homeless and Support News. Issue 1.
Presentation by Stephen Parkin (2021) “A qualitative study of the experiences of people (with experience of rough sleeping/homelessness) who were temporarily accommodated in London hotels as part of the ‘Everyone In’ initiative (March-September 2020).”
Department of Health and Social Care (2018) Care and Support Statutory Guidance: Issued under the Care Act 2014. London: The Stationery Office.