In terms of the approach to recovery, it absolutely remains the case that councils will play the leading role in this work in their areas.
As with our earlier guidance, the focus of this document is the specific role of councillors in councils’ work leading and supporting our communities as we move through the process of ending the lockdown and look ahead to the aspirations we have for our local areas as a new form of normality is increasingly restored. COVID-19 has subverted many of the norms we expect in responding to emergencies in the UK, with a response period that already extends well beyond anything we have seen before. But in terms of the approach to recovery, it absolutely remains the case that councils will play the leading role in this work in their areas.
We know that councillors up and down the country are already actively involved in this place shaping as well as in wider support activities. By drawing on some of these examples, and on the LGA’s councillor guidance to civil emergencies, we aim to provide further inspiration about the political, civic and community leadership roles you can play as we recover from COVID-19.
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