Question number
Marking criteria
1 - 9
These questions are not marked
10) Outline your proposed project, explaining how it will make a difference by tackling a specific housing, homelessness or planning/place-making challenge in your local area.
Project aims to address a specific housing, homelessness or planning/place-making challenge in the local area
Project is clearly described, backed by evidence (ideally with concise problem statement)
Impact of the problem is clearly described, with supporting statistics or other evidence
Indication of how local people and partners will be involved/engaged
11) In what areas do you need support and how will participating in the Housing Advisers Programme provide added value?
Specific areas where additional support is needed are clearly described
The need to commission specialist support to address the challenge is clearly explained
How HAP funding will provide added value is clearly articulated
12) What key outcomes you are aiming to achieve? How will you measure success?
Desired key outcomes are clearly articulated, along with their relevance to the specific challenge the project aims to address
Clear explanation of how project activities are expected to result in the desired outcomes
Wider benefits of achieving the key outcomes are outlined e.g. efficiency savings, lessening of impact on other services, unlocking capacity, green/net zero targets, building resilience
Includes details of potential indicators of success or other relevant metrics
13) How will the learning from your project be of benefit to other councils or the sector as a whole?
Clear description of how the project is relevant to other councils or the sector as a whole
Evidence that the project and/or approaches taken are innovative at a local or national level
Clear description of how learning and evidence will be captured and shared
14) How will the project build capacity and have a sustained impact beyond the period of funding?
Clear description of how the project is expected to build capacity in the council or local community
An indication of how key outcomes will be sustained after the HAP funding ends
Brief outline of any expected next-steps or project progress due to take place after the period during which HAP funding is being used
15) What are the anticipated timescales, milestones and key outputs for the project? Please include details of opportunities to reflect and capture learning.
Project is scoped with a detailed project plan which gives assurances about delivery.
Project outputs link to the milestones with detailed outputs under each milestone.
Project plan contains details of opportunities to reflect and capture learning.
16) Please outline the delivery and governance arrangements for your project, including details of the endorsement of relevant senior officers and portfolio holders.
Sufficient officer capacity to allow the project to succeed
Governance arrangements indicate clear lines of reporting and decision-making
Project is endorsed by an appropriate senior officer and lead member.