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Must knows adults: Making it real

One of the lessons from the inquiries into abuse and ill treatment at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust and Winterbourne View assessment and treatment centre is that service providers need to develop more equal partnerships with people who use services and carers. This sort of partnership is often called ‘co-production' .

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‘Think Local Act Personal' (TLAP) is the local government and social care sector-wide partnership committed to transforming adult health and social care through personalisation and community-based support. The TLAP partnership has developed ‘Making it Real' (MiR), a framework that describes the outcomes that genuinely personalised care and support should achieve. In the spirit of equal partnership, MiR has been led by the members of the National Co-production Advisory Group, which is made up of people who use services and carers. The aim of MiR is for people to have more choice and control so they can live full and independent lives.