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Regional improvement and efficiency partnerships (RIEPs) – Programme achievements and legacy

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RIEPs – regional improvement and efficiency partnerships – play a key role in supporting councils. Put simply, they help councils and their partners to deliver better services by supporting them in their efforts to become more efficient, innovative and engaged with citizens.

The nine RIEPs were created in April 2008 with a three-year funding package of £185 million from Communities and Local Government. The RIEPs have had a key role in helping local authorities respond to local needs in the economic downturn, in accelerating the drive for further efficiencies and in supporting and sharing the learning from the Total Place pilots.

The initial three-year programme came to a close on 31 March 2011, at which point the nine RIEPs have saved more than £600 million. Ongoing arrangements vary between the RIEPs with some continuing to run full programmes and others scaling back and merging with other organisations. To find out more, please contact your local RIEP.