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Technology Innovation Showcase for Local Government: End of project report

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The report below provides an overview of the LGA's Technology Innovation Showcase; a sector-led initiative delivered by the LGA and their delivery partner PUBLIC. The showcase explored the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and smart technology in four challenge areas that were defined by over 30 councils, and culminated into an event featuring a set of promising solutions each presented by a selected group of startups and SMEs. For more information on the challenges explored and the vendors who took part, please visit our Technology Innovation Showcase page.

The report goes through our process for defining the challenges, assessing and selecting the SMEs to take part. Towards the end of the report, there are key reflections and considerations laid out for councils and vendors (please refer to section 6) in the collective search for new digital methods to help deliver improved outcomes for residents. 

We believe our Showcase model presents the opportunity to implement the recommendations outlined in the Government's AI Opportunities Action Plan (2025) and Blueprint for Modern Digital Government, notably to expand the councils understanding of the AI ecosystem, increase market intelligence and engagement with SMEs across the sector. A Local Government Centre for Digital Technology, with funding and support from government and/or other stakeholders would be pivotal in our efforts to mobilise a series of local government pilots to propel forwards wider public sector AI transformation. By sharing knowledge, co-creating solutions, and driving innovation, the LGCDT will enable local authorities to overcome shared challenges, and unlock new opportunities through collective action.

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