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A rough guide for Safeguarding Adult Board chairs

The Care Act 2014 made the establishment of Safeguarding Adult Boards (SABs) a requirement, however in the intervening years how each Board carries out their statutory functions has been a matter for local decision making. This paper has been developed by SAB Chairs for SAB Chairs as a ‘rough guide’ for induction and to help and support each other.

It is not formal guidance nor instruction and should be used to have local conversations about the issues raised. Experiences of dealing with these issues will continue to be explored and dealt through the National Network of SAB Chairs, which will keep this rough guide under review.

The paper is intended to provide a guide to tackling some of the legal complexities that arise in this area. It is not intended to provide formal legal advice, but in drafting it has considered the Care and Support Guidance and legal advice made available to the SAB Chair’s network. As the nature of a Safeguarding Adults Board is collaborative, it would be prudent to secure agreement from key statutory partners, wherever possible, and more widely, wherever possible to the positions set out in this document.

A rough guide for Safeguarding Adult Board Chairs