Visit our devolution and LGR hub for the latest information, support and resources
This online hub highlights good practice in the delivery of sport, physical activity and leisure services by councils and their partners to reduce inequalities and improve physical activity levels in the least active communities.
The LGA Culture, Tourism and Sport (CTS) Board is committed to tackling inequalities, promoting equality and supporting councils to help communities to be active.
Between 2024 to 2026, it is taking an in-depth look at supporting councils and their partners to improve participation and physical activity levels in the following groups identified as having some of the lowest activity levels and biggest inequalities. Find out about our upcoming and past projects below:
- Women and girls (view case studies and resources).
- Children, young people and families (call for case studies open).
- Disabled People.
- Older people.
- Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic groups.
As we complete each deep dive, we will link our findings, effective practice and resources on this hub to support the sector.
Useful resources
Moving Communities, Sport England is a data portal which measure public leisure’s contributions to active communities. This includes benchmarking, satisfaction surveys, and using financial performance to understand how effective services are.
- Reaching the less active: A guide for public sport and leisure services | Local Government Association.
- Sport and leisure: promoting health and wellbeing through public services | Local Government. Association.
- Whole system approaches to tackling inactivity – learning from good practice.
- Local Area Insights, Sport England.
- Active Lives Online, Sport England.
- An Active Wellbeing Service: An Movement For Change.
- Safer Parks.
- Social value of sport and physical activity, Sport England.
- Moving Communities Impact Report, April 2022 - March 2024, Sport England.
- Paving a new pathway to prevention | NHS Confederation.
The Place-based Physical Activity Leadership Network (PPALN) has been set up to better embrace the breadth of partners and expertise across the physical activity system, to encourage real change and collaboration. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute.
Local Government Physical Activity Partnership (LGPAP) has taken examples of local authorities using a whole systems approach to tackle inactivity to develop a bank of best practice case studies.