Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
In this section:
Business support
If your council is in tune with local customer demands it can play a vital role in kickstarting a renewal of business performance and revival in collective town centre performance. More than ever, in recovering from the COVID-19 crisis, there is a need to work with business groups in collectively ensuring that town and city centres are safe and welcoming places.
Place branding and marketing
For your town and city centres to be distinguished from the functionality of retail parks or shopping online, it is important to collaborate with communities, emphasise their cultural character and create a collective place brand. This will be increasingly important as part of a phased re-opening and celebration of communities as part of post-COVID 19 recovery.
Travel, parking and access
When parking is such an essential service, how can your council get it right as part of the town centre experience? Part of the solution is to consider it within the wider context of all journeys into town centres including understanding how COVID-19 has affected travel patterns.
Streetscape and public realm
Working within a council you will be aware that they have the leading role in creating well-designed places that are prosperous and welcoming to the benefit of both businesses and residents. During post-COVID 19 recovery, the importance of this role becomes all the more apparent.
Digital technology and data
Rather than seeing changing shopping habits as a threat, it is important for your council to be forward-thinking in how digital opportunities can help town centres develop. As part of COVID-19 recovery, the way in which communities can interact digitally with town centre businesses and services has become more critical.
Property and planning
The pivotal role of councils in shaping planning and development can underpin long term change when combined with the understanding of their hands-on responsibilities for town and city centre management. In response to COVID-19, this will extend to reassessing short and long term demand for different property uses.