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This is the draft template to use when submitting case studies to the call to evidence on how local authorities are boosting their supply of affordable housing.
Thank you for submitting a case study to the LGA, as part of our call for evidence on how local authorities are boosting their supply of affordable housing. This document provides a template for you to use to produce your case study, including formatting and content.
When writing your case study, we suggest using Arial 12pt. Please include the following details:
- date (month and year)
- council name
- author name (and contact name for further information if this is different)
- case study title
- any web-links to relevant documents and/or relevant images (high quality for website uses no larger than 5MB in JPG format).
Please send your completed case study and attachments to [email protected].
At a glance
What went in
- Priority area addressed: please identify the challenge or priority that the project was designed to address
- Budget: if applicable please also indicate funding source (e.g. grant)
- Other resource needed:
- Timeframe to completion:
What came out
Identify the key deliverables/project outcomes
Executive summary
Provide a brief summary of the case study (100 words)
Challenge and context
Please contextualise the case study:
- What is the background to the project?
- Is there important organisational or local context?
- Why was the project instigated? What were the key drivers?
What we did
- How did you go about setting the project up/getting it running and getting people on board with it?
- Did you face any challenges at this stage? How were they managed?
- What were the key stages to delivering the project outcomes?
The difference
What has been the wider impact of the programme?
Lessons learned
- What have you learnt because of the programme? What will you change, or what has changed as a result of its success?
- Things you may have done differently in retrospect.
- How effective has the project been? Are there going to be similar programmes going forward?