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Information about roles and responsibilities relating to the Flood and Water Management Act.
In this section:
Managing flood risk: roles and responsibilities
There is no single body responsible for managing flood risk in the UK because of the role of the devolved administrations in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
Consenting and enforcement
Environmental Permitting comprises a common set of definitions, processes and controls for the permitting of specified activities. Defra plan to include a power in primary legislation to enable the Environmental Permitting Regulations (EPRs) to be extended to flood defence consents.
Surface water management plans
How to use surface water management plans (SWMPs).
Policy context
The policy context for managing flood risk in local authorities.
Stakeholder engagement
How to engage with members, partners and the community.
National and local strategies
The Flood and Water Management Act 2010 requires the Environment Agency to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a national strategy for flood and coastal erosion risk management (FCERM) in England. The Welsh Government has published a national FCERM strategy for Wales.