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Future funding for supported housing

New supported housing policy, legislation and funding will affect how councils support older people, those recovering from mental illness, those with learning disabilities, those with drug and alcohol misuse issues, veterans, ex-offenders, those who find themselves homeless and those fleeing domestic violence.

It will affect a cross-cutting range of council services, in upper and lower tier councils as well as unitary councils.

The LGA is working with councils and a range of partners to understand the impact of the proposed policy changes, legislation and funding, so that we can influence the outcome of the final product.

On this page you will find briefings, position statements, information on events, links to partner and Government sites.

Government consultation on funding of supported housing launched – closing date was 13 February 2017.

The LGA held its consultation event on supported housing on 11 January 2017. If you would like to know more about the LGA's work in this area or a copy of the presentations and notes from the workshop, available to members of the LGA, please contact [email protected]

LGA/ADASS joint response to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government and Department for Work and Pensions Supported Housing Consultations, January 2018

LGA Supported Housing consultation submission

LGA information note on future funding of supported housing October 2016

LGA House of Commons briefing on the effect of Government proposals on supported housing November 2016

LGA interim statement on supported housing July 2016