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Roles and responsibilities in adult safeguarding

The LGA in partnership with Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), NHS England, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) have developed ‘Safeguarding Adults – Roles and Responsibilities in Health and Care Services'.

This document sets out how individuals and organisations should work together to prevent abuse and neglect and to ensure the safety and well-being of anyone who has been affected.Poor care, neglect and abuse are all part of the same problem and addressing this locally requires action from anyone involved in looking after those who need care. The document highlights the importance of local partners working together including councils, CQC, health and the police to keep people safe and outlines the practical opportunities there are to do so.


The LGA, ADASS and NHS England circulated a joint letter in December 2014 to Chairs of Safeguarding Adult Boards, Chairs of Regional Quality Surveillance Groups and Directors of Adult Social Services suggesting that Quality Surveillance Groups and Safeguarding Adults Boards consider whether local action is required in order to meet their duties and responsibilities under the Care Act and its statutory guidance, and asking for examples of current innovative practice.