The LGA recently commissioned the Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion (CESI) to produce a piece of research and modelling to understand and map the aggregate financial and geographical impact of the Government's programme of welfare reforms for local government. The report, the model and some local authority case studies are available here.
The local impacts of welfare reform
Case studies
The Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion have worked with a number of local authorities to develop some case studies to sit alongside the research. These case studies on the local impacts of welfare reform give an idea of how modelling may be approached at the local level and are intended to illustrate both:
- How the impacts of welfare reforms (excluding Universal Credit) and responses by Local Authorities vary for are with different characteristics; and
- The returns from work for different groups of households that are not in work, both under Universal Credit and the current system.
View the case studies - chosen to illustrate a range of impacts and losses for different types of local authorities.