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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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Alison Jeffery: Reforming the mental health system for children and young people

This independent article from Alison Jeffery, Director for Children’s Services for East Sussex County Council is part of the LGA children and young people's mental health think piece series. Alison has written this piece in a personal capacity and explores the question 'what would a good 'whole system' set of services and policies to support mental health and wellbeing look like?'.

Cyber Unpacked

The LGA has developed a series of short explainer videos on cyber security topics, created specifically for non-technical members of staff in councils.

NSPCC’S Young People’s Board for Change: What can we do to develop a mental health system that works for children?

This independent article from Lola, a young person involved with NSPCC’S Young People’s Board for Change is part of the LGA children and young people's mental health think piece series. This independent piece from Lola's own personal experience explores of the mental health system explores what can we do to develop a mental health system that works for children?

Bespoke workforce support

Workforce team provides council chief executives and leaders with expert workforce advice and guidance to help develop tailored solutions to meet workforce needs.