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Supplier payments over £500 | September 2022

September 2022 payments over £500
Company Pay date SuppID(T) TransNo Amount Account(T)
LU 28/09/2022 RANDALL'S MONITORING 1304986 13,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 30/09/2022 BYHIRAS (EUROPE) LTD 1304932 8,500.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 23/09/2022 CIVICA 1304967 10,931.03 Computer Costs & eServices
LU 29/09/2022 EDF ENERGY 1 LIMITED 1304936 20,027.91 Gas & Electricity
LU 28/09/2022 EMAP PUBLISHING LTD 1304992 1,300.00 Recruitment Costs
LU 23/09/2022 TOTAL GAS AND POWER 1304960 3,833.23 Gas & Electricity
LU 30/09/2022 HILTON BRIGHTON METROPOLE 1305036 1,934.50 Event Costs
LU 30/09/2022 HILTON BRIGHTON METROPOLE 1305037 2,082.00 Event Costs
LU 30/09/2022 HOUSE OF LORDS CATERING AND RETAIL SERVICES 1304990 1,250.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 23/09/2022 IRON MOUNTAIN [UK] LTD 1304942 1,217.20 Postage
LU 30/09/2022 ASSOCIATION OF LIBERAL DEMOCRAT COUNCILLORS 1305033 1,200.00 Event Costs
LU 30/09/2022 BARTLETT MITCHELL LTD 1304935 6,229.08 Internal Catering
LU 28/09/2022 BEVAN BRITTAN LLP 1304969 943.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 28/09/2022 BEVAN BRITTAN LLP 1304968 625.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 30/09/2022 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1304933 9,029.95 Miscellaneous Conference Exp
LU 28/09/2022 WHITEHALL & INDUSTRY GROUP 1304987 500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 29/09/2022 BOURNEMOUTH CONVENTION BUREAU LTD 1304944 1,505.00 Event Costs
LU 23/09/2022 GOWLING WLG (UK) LLP 1304877 1,543.50 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 28/09/2022 4-5 GRAYS INN SQUARE 1305010 3,500.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 29/09/2022 THE CAMPAIGN COMPANY LTD 1304962 2,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 29/09/2022 THE CAMPAIGN COMPANY LTD 1304963 4,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 30/09/2022 BROADSWORD PRODUCTIONS LTD 1304931 9,370.00 Miscellaneous Conference Exp
LU 28/09/2022 GOVERNMENT ACTUARY'S DEPARTMENT 1304993 1,008.72 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 28/09/2022 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM FOR INCLUSION 1304997 4,165.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304976 6,405.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304973 775.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 23/09/2022 11KBW 1304974 690.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 28/09/2022 11KBW 1304981 4,400.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 23/09/2022 REDQUADRANT 1304972 2,600.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 23/09/2022 JOBTRAIN LTD 1304937 15,172.00 Recruitment Costs
LU 30/09/2022 DIGITECH LONDON LTD T/A WEBDIGI 1304985 4,595.00 Publicity & Media
LU 28/09/2022 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1304982 1,045.97 Repairs & Maintenance
LU 23/09/2022 BOUYGUES E&S FM UK LTD 1304966 35,058.11 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 23/09/2022 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1304977 3,615.00 Design Work - External
LU 23/09/2022 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1304978 12,244.44 Design Work - External
LU 28/09/2022 CAMBRIDGE PUBLISHERS LTD 1304991 3,795.00 Design Work - External
LU 28/09/2022 PORTFOLIO PAYROLL LTD 1305015 1,330.00 Recruitment Costs
LU 28/09/2022 CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD 1304998 1,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 28/09/2022 CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD 1304999 1,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 28/09/2022 CONNECT PUBLIC AFFAIRS LTD 1305000 1,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
LU 30/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304940 1,500.00 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304994 1,125.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
LU 28/09/2022 EMBRIDGE CONSULTING 1305029 3,404.24 Inward Consultancy - Fees
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305019 4,410.00 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305020 6,971.96 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305021 3,920.00 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305022 3,819.20 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305023 19,286.40 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305024 8,229.76 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305025 5,000.00 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305026 21,917.03 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305027 560.00 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305028 9,987.60 Insurance
LU 29/09/2022 ARTHUR J.GALLAGHER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD 1305012 71,960.00 Insurance
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304938 17,236.83 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304956 1,212.58 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304957 1,173.46 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304958 1,212.58 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304959 1,212.58 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304946 708.23 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 SMARTESTENERGY LIMITED 1304947 4,264.68 Gas & Electricity
LU 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1304975 1,750.00 Legal & Professional Fees
LU 24/09/2022 CENTRE FOR TENDERING LTD 1305013 2,150.00 Staff Development Costs
LU 29/09/2022 CENTRE FOR TENDERING LTD 1304928 2,150.00 Staff Development Costs
LU 28/09/2022 SHAW TRUST 1305032 3,815.00 Staff Membership Fees & Subs To Prof Bod
ID 23/09/2022 CORNWALL COUNCIL 1336965 60,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 23/09/2022 CORNWALL COUNCIL 1336966 3,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 28/09/2022 CULTURE FIRST 1337026 6,094.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 JHSC CONSULTANCY  LTD  1337001 1,120.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 MAKING CONNECTIONS (IOW) LIMITED 1336986 10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337083 984.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING LTD 1337076 840.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING LTD 1337085 3,064.35 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 ALISON MICHALSKA CONSULTING LTD 1336997 1,400.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336964 501.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SOUTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL -  GRANT PAYMENTS 1337092 5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 28/09/2022 ARCC HR LIMITED 1337035 4,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 GUARDIAN NEWS & MEDIA  LTD 1336971 1,852.50 Recruitment Costs
ID 23/09/2022 PUTSHAM ASSOCIATES LTD 1336981 600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337007 9,930.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337050 975.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337051 1,300.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337052 650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 1336945 30,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 23/09/2022 NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL 1336967 50,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 23/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1336982 9,567.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1336983 4,171.14 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1337064 2,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1337065 4,647.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1337066 43,479.75 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 PORISM LTD 1337067 36,920.25 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SHARED INTELLIGENCE LTD 1337032 40,313.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SHARED INTELLIGENCE LTD 1337016 15,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 TAMESIDE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1336960 10,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 28/09/2022 TMS DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL  LTD 1337097 2,654.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 WARWICK UNIVERSITY TRAINING LTD 1337020 5,321.70 Event Costs
ID 28/09/2022 WIRRAL METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL 1337030 34,638.57 Additional Staff Related Payments
ID 23/09/2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION 1336963 1,387.10 Shared Services Additionals - Recodes
ID 28/09/2022 SOUTHEND-ON-SEA BOROUGH COUNCIL 1337025 5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337023 9,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1336998 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 BURGESS CONSULTANCY  LIMITED 1336999 2,800.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 WEST MIDLANDS EMPLOYERS 1337031 10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL 1336961 10,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 23/09/2022 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT TEAM FOR INCLUSION 1337008 60,987.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SHARED SERVICE ARCHITECTS 1337021 5,835.00 Event Costs
ID 28/09/2022 SHARED SERVICE ARCHITECTS 1337081 5,835.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336988 2,985.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336989 5,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 29/09/2022 MARTIN REDDINGTON ASSOCIATES 1336946 20,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 ACAINN LTD 1336984 650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336956 1,092.70 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 LINDA CLEGG CONSULTING LTD 1337002 4,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 30/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337014 501.00 Peer - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 DOVETAIL INTERACTIVE 1336948 3,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 AWICS LIMITED 1336975 1,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 29/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336979 640.20 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 CREATIVE COMMUNICATORS LTD 1337039 950.00 Sponsorship & Contributions
ID 28/09/2022 SAVE9 LIMITED 1337046 2,930.00 Internet Charges
ID 23/09/2022 PARTOUT CONSULTING LTD 1336990 650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 PARTOUT CONSULTING LTD 1336991 1,300.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337045 668.00 Peer - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 NOVOTEL WOLVERHAMPTON 1337015 19,962.00 Event Costs
ID 28/09/2022 D K SARGEANT LIMITED 1337040 10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1336995 1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 AB DEVELOPMENT AND CONSULTANCY SOLUTIONS LTD 1336996 1,680.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337033 2,337.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 INSIGHT TO IMPACT CONSULTING LTD  1337019 550.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 INSIGHT TO IMPACT CONSULTING LTD  1336978 2,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 NEWTON EUROPE LIMITED 1336953 150,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 NEWTON EUROPE LIMITED 1337059 100,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 FIRST ACTUARIAL 1337049 1,125.00 Legal & Professional Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336950 549.15 Peer - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 COMPARATUS LTD 1337000 5,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 RH ACUITY  1337012 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 MILNER CONSULTING 1337082 2,600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SOCIAL ENGINE LTD 1337043 14,525.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 HERTFORD CONSULTING LTD 1337029 975.00 Conference Speakers Fees
ID 28/09/2022 HERTFORD CONSULTING LTD 1337027 1,950.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 HERTFORD CONSULTING LTD 1337028 975.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 HERTFORD CONSULTING LTD 1336985 7,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 WEIGHTMANS LLP 1337048 9,500.00 Legal & Professional Fees
ID 28/09/2022 WEIGHTMANS LLP 1337054 1,501.50 Legal & Professional Fees
ID 28/09/2022 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL GLASGOW 1336751 929.00 Event Costs
ID 23/09/2022 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL GLASGOW 1336974 1,210.00 Event Costs
ID 23/09/2022 DAC PLANNING LIMITED 1337003 3,213.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 CASTLEBG LIMITED 1337037 32,158.70 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1337006 1,336.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336949 658.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336947 1,200.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 PHILIP SIMPKINS CONSULTING 1336994 2,240.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 KIRKBY HOUSE CONSULTANCY SERVICE LTD 1336987 7,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336968 1,640.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336992 1,605.53 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 Classified as 'personal data' (under the Data Protection Act 2018) 1336993 975.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 KATH SMYTHE COLLECTIVE 1337077 13,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 KATH SMYTHE COLLECTIVE 1337078 2,750.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 PUBLIC SERVICE INSIGHT LTD 1337009 20,900.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SERCO 1337018 12,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 SERCO 1337088 3,526.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON 1337087 5,600.00 Staff Development Costs
ID 28/09/2022 LAYER 7 LIMITED 1337017 19,152.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 HARVIST ASSOCIATES 1337041 6,150.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 ANNE BRINKHOFF LTD 1337034 1,650.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 FARRAGHER CONSULTANCY LTD 1336951 3,250.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 FARRAGHER CONSULTANCY LTD 1336952 1,950.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 HELEN HIRST LTD 1337047 900.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 QUOD LIMITED 1337005 10,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 LAURELLE BROWN TRAINING & CONSULTANCY 1337060 5,362.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 LAURELLE BROWN TRAINING & CONSULTANCY 1336969 5,362.50 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 THE FATHERHOOD INSTITUTE 1337075 600.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 30/09/2022 AVANTI TRANSFORMATION 1336955 2,000.00 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 23/09/2022 EMERGING FIELD LTD 1336976 2,568.75 Project Delivery - Fees
ID 28/09/2022 ADKC - Action Disability Kensington & Chelsea 1337061 750.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 28/09/2022 PEOPLE MATTER IW 1337058 500.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 14/09/2022 WE ARE BEAMS 1337024 5,000.00 Grants & Awards to Councils
ID 23/09/2022 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT UK CIC 1336972 33,500.00 Project Delivery - Fees

Highlighted pages

Payments to suppliers