The LGA publishes details of payments to suppliers over £500 on a monthly basis.
Information for each month will generally be available about four weeks after the relevant month end. This information is made available in machine-readable csv file format.
Payments that the LGA makes on behalf of the Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government, Local Government Employers, and Local authority Co-ordinators of Regulatory Services, such as the payments we make to Liberata Ltd for a wide range of outsourced back office services, are included in this information.
Also included are payments made on behalf of local authorities when the LGA facilitates collective action on a group of authorities' behalf.
The listing excludes payments of the following kinds:
- payments of remuneration to staff or for temporary, agency or seconded staff or internal recharges for staff – we make this exclusion because full disclosures of our payments of remuneration to staff, including the remuneration of named senior staff, are made in our annual accounts
- payments posted to control accounts in our system, which require further analysis in order to provide meaningful detail about them.
We also redact the names of individuals where payments are made to them and we are required by the Data Protection Act to keep this data private.