The project began with the participation of just 6 local schools and a focus on SDG 11. Over 1,000 pupils were taught using the project resource pack which was well received by teachers. Global Goalkeepers involved over 1,000 people in their community actions which included a sponsored bike ride to promote sustainable transport and a campaign to reduce single use plastic.
Over 250 pupils attended the Global Walk, in the National Botanic Garden on 7 June 2019, with the active participation of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, a large group of visiting teachers from Lesotho as well as other stakeholders. 100% of pupils surveyed said they enjoyed taking part in the walk and 93% stated their commitment to taking further action for the SDGs in future.
In 2019/20 we more than doubled the number of schools participating to 15 including all but one of our secondary schools as well as 2 primaries. 7 of these now have links with Lesotho through the Connecting Classrooms programme.
Over 2,000 pupils have been taught using the Climate Action Resource Pack, which was well received by all teachers.
Over 100 people participated in our networking and action planning event in January 2020. The Local Authority’s Net Zero Carbon plan was explained by Councillor Vaughan Owen while council officers from Transport, Waste Minimisation, and Biodiversity were on hand to suggest practical ideas for taking action in school communities.
Feedback on the event was exceedingly positive with 100% of participants declaring they were highly or very satisfied, 92% of Global Goalkeepers felt highly or very inspired to take action as individuals and 95% to take action in their schools and communities.
An online Walk the Global Walk Summer School event was held on 24th June 2020, which included presentations, and a Q&A session with Council staff and Councillors.
This work culminated in the creation of the Carmarthenshire Climate Action manifesto with its 8 recommendations. This landmark document, which has been endorsed by the local authority, was written by a representative group of Global Goalkeepers, supported by local authority officers and NGOs, all of whom were present at this event. The work carried out in 2019/20 paved the way for successful events and initiatives that followed during 2021, despite the lockdowns resulting from the global pandemic, including a model UN debate on climate action.
I enjoyed the passionate environment and being able to work with students like me
Global Goalkeeper