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Health and social care | Lancashire Leyland Health and Community Campus

This is the first case study in One Public Estate's 'Unlocking the value in public sector assets', published in 2017.

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Region: North West, West Midlands

Theme: Health and Social Care (in OPE), Regeneration

The challenge

The Lancashire OPE Partnership is faced with the challenge of providing better services against a background of public and health sector reform, whilst improving the satisfaction of their growing communities.

West Paddock is an ambitious long-term community regeneration scheme which will be completed over a 10 year period and aims to deliver better local services. By locating services together in and around West Paddock, both physically and from a customer perspective, the partnership aims to transform how civic, health and community services are delivered to customers. The scheme is a strategic response to anticipated public and health sector reform challenges facing agencies in Leyland which wish to see greater consolidation and improved services where better services can be provided for a growing local population.

The vision

The partnership vision is of an ambitious long term community regeneration scheme. The vision is for the new Leyland Health and Community Campus to transform the health, civic and community service provision serving the local community.

The campus will create its own economic growth (new homes – at least 60 residents flats and over 300 jobs) whilst supporting the City Deal ambitions for 17,000 new households and 20,000 jobs. Actions Support and funding from the OPE programme has provided a kick start to the delivery of the project which has made good progress, including:

  • The work to establish the core collaboration of GP practices is progressing well.
  • Masterplan work is in progress for the main site and is expected to be completed within six months.
  • A co-location study for South Ribble was completed in November 2016 which involved all major stakeholders.
  • Formation of two important contributors is currently underway – arm’s length companies for the voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) network and the South Ribble Partnership.
  • City Deal complementary works are in year two and targets are currently being met – more than 1,500 new homes and 753 new jobs in the past two years.
  • Continuing the success of the partnership on the OPE programme and participation of all partner councils.


The potential outcomes include:

  • a new health core which will sit alongside the remodelled civic centre
  • extra care housing – at least 60 new apartments with a Dementia Centre of Excellence
  • MEDS - Medical Education and Development School supporting staffing and development
  • flexible space for VCFS and supporting community activities
  • council one stop shop and combined gateway
  • all three emergency services
  • physical activity/leisure activities for young and old
  • green environment between facilities, gardens and open areas will make the campus a pleasant and distinct environment benefitting from town centre connectivity
  • the delivery of over 60 residents flats and over 300 new jobs, which will allow the campus to create its own economic growth.

Next steps

A masterplan is being created for the site. This work will be completed during spring 2017. A new arm’s length community interest company has been created to assist with funding and management operations. Engagement in the OPE programme is allowing financial and legal models to be developed alongside the master planning work. The GP collaboration has grown and grown, and governance is being developed in parallel with the development plans.

The masterplan will be informed by the ‘Our Health Our Care’ (OHOC) programme and the local delivery plan (LDP). OHOC will review the current system and consider opportunities are to improve and modernise services and the way they are delivered.

The LDP has been developed in conjunction with partners across central Lancashire and sets out the framework for delivering improvements across health and social care for the local population. The aim of OHOC and the LDP is to use collective resources across health and social care to create a radically new health and social care system that is person centred, efficient and effective, combining improvements in experiences, better health outcomes for the local population and better use of wider NHS and social care resources.

For further information please contact our Regional Programme Managers for North West and West Midlands.