Altair’s research involved a mixed research approach including the following primary and secondary research methods:
Policy review:
Altair issued a documentation and information request, which included relevant datasets held by DDDC and AVBC, research undertaken previously, and relevant policies and strategies. The review of the provided documentation was further supplemented with a desktop review of key data sources.
Desktop research and data analysis:
Initial data analysis was conducted to present an overview of the PRS in DDDC and AVBC. This included information (as available) on key players, private renter demographic data, landlord types, size of sector, stock type, and affordability. Further desktop research was undertaken in January, following the anticipated release of latest census data.
Resident online survey:
As part of the data collection and desktop analysis, Altair issued an online tenant survey to hear from those currently living in private rented homes about their experiences of living in this type of accommodation and their aspirations for the future. The purpose of the survey was to obtain the views and feedback of residents. We received 173 responses, split by 51 per cent in Derbyshire Dales and 49 per cent in Amber Valley.
Landlord online survey:
We also issued an online survey for PRS landlords to understand their experience of providing private rented accommodation and their plans for the future. The survey was designed to mirror the questions and themes asked within the tenant survey to compare the perspectives of landlords and tenants on the issues. We received 17 individual responses which covered 20 properties across each of the authorities. It should be acknowledged that, given the small sample of respondents, the results could not be validated to reflect the regional sector as a whole, however the views from landlords aligned with the findings obtained from the other phases of this research.
Focus groups and interviews:
The surveys were followed by a tenant focus group focused on getting input from tenants in the PRS. The first focus group session was attended by 14 residents and the second by seven residents. Additionally, we adapted our approach to conduct tenant interviews due to poor attendance and limited tenant engagement during the second focus group session. In total, eight resident interviews were held, all of whom were from the Derbyshire Dales local authority area. The interviews and focus groups primarily focused on the ‘as-is’ state, including what works well, what challenges there are, the emerging themes and served as an opportunity to discuss potential solutions.
Stakeholder interviews:
In parallel to the online surveys and focus groups, a stakeholder map was formulated, identifying key stakeholder groups for engagement. Altair undertook seven interviews with key stakeholders put forward by DDDC and AVBC, gathering various views on PRS across the two local authority regions. These stakeholders included council officers, resident representative groups and local charities.
Interim report:
Having completed the focus groups, interviews and surveys, Altair issued an interim report to the project steering group highlighting the initial findings of the emerging themes ahead of the options workshop.
Options appraisal:
Drawing from relevant literature and research, Altair developed a set of potential interventions that the Councils could implement to address and improve the issues identified within their PRS. We then undertook a desktop review of other local authorities of a similar size and context to DDDC and AVBC to understand other approaches taken to deal with the challenges identified, and the successes and failures of these approaches. These options were then tested with key stakeholders from DDDD and AVBC in an interactive workshop. Using our Suitability, Feasibility and Acceptability (SFA) options analysis framework, the stakeholders identified the preferred interventions which has informed the recommendations within this final report. The workshop was designed to allow discussion between the stakeholders attending on the SFA scorings of each option, the strengths and weaknesses of the options and any relevant considerations for the councils in relation to implementation.
Final report:
Based on the feedback given from the interim report and workshop, a final report has been produced to present the recommended options to both councils.