These resources were collected between March and December 2020 to support safeguarding work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information was compiled initially through a ‘safeguarding issues grid’, in response to issues raised by Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Chairs, SAB Managers, Principal Social Workers and others regarding safeguarding adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The resource pack includes this resource list which signposts to relevant resources and good practice examples of changes in practice and service delivery developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The resource pack also includes a ‘Top Tips for Safeguarding Adults Board Managers’ which can be used as a ‘checklist’ by SABs.
The resource pack has been compiled by the safeguarding work stream of the joint Local Government Association (LGA) and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS) Adult Social Care Hub, COVID-19. This workstream developed an FAQ on COVID-19 and safeguarding adults in May 2020.
This is an ongoing area of work, so we welcome further contributions. Please provide additional information or examples of good practice. Also, if you have difficulties accessing any resources, please let us know via [email protected]
Central Bedfordshire has produced two good practice documents. You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub ( COVID-19)The titles of the publications are: Safeguarding best practice - Central Bedfordshire - Domestic Abuse Professionals Surgery and Safeguarding good practice - Central Bedfordshire - Safe Spaces for adults throughout COVID
You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub ( COVID-19).The title of the publication is: Getting the most out of video calling applications - Socitm. About:Using technologies such as Zoom and Skype.
You need to subscribe to Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub ( COVID-19). The title of the publication is: Safeguarding good practice - Leeds
You need to subscribe to Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub ( COVID-19). The title of the publication is: 24 March 2020 - Guidance for LAs and LRFs supporting vulnerable high risk people - MHCLG
Mencap: easy read guide across a wide range of issues: November lockdown rules; shielding; self- isolating; social distancing; face coverings; keeping safe; public transport; going to work or working from home; test and trace; food shopping; befriending; scams; keeping clean and handwashing; about coronavirus and Government guidance.
You need to subscribed to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub ( COVID-19). Examples of good practice from Brighton and Hove City Council, including an example of two RISE practitioners aligned to it to maintain a strong links with the Domestic Violence Specialist Service. The title of the publication is: Safeguarding and COVID-19 – Best Practice
The outputs from the National Mental Capacity Forum webinar, MCA and COVID vaccinations in care homes, constitute additional helpful advice from mental capacity experts.
You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub (COVID-19). The title of the publication is: Coronavirus MH Guidance - Foundation for people with learning disabilities
You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub (COVID-19). Good practice Lead Safeguarding GP based in clinic and offered COVID-related advice and ethical decision-making support to primary care colleagues across Greater Preston and Chorley South Ribble and West Lancashire CCGs. – The title of the publication is: Safeguarding good practice - Lancashire
You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub (COVID-19) The title of the publication is: Safeguarding good practice- Cornwall Council of the Isle of Scilly
People at higher risk from coronavirus: advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.
NHS: Social distancing and changes to everyday life: Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services during coronavirus
You need to subscribe to the Khub adult social care hub, and then go onto the adult social care hub (COVID-19). The title of the publication is: COVID-19 Guidance for Professionals when a person is not following social distancing guidelines - Norfolk SAB
The outputs from the National Mental Capacity Forum webinar, MCA and COVID vaccinations in care homes, constitute additional helpful advice from mental capacity experts.
Healthier Lancashire and South Cumbria have produced COVID-19 vaccinations Assessing mental capacity to consent guidance for Vaccinators which can be found on the FutureNHS Collaboration Platform, which you will need to sign up for.
There is also COVID Mass Vaccination check list and Covid Mass Vaccination – Making Every Contact Count for Safeguarding that can be found on the on FutureNHS Collaboration Platform, which you will need to sign up for.
CIOS SAB has developed a video and workbook to raise awareness and offer advice to frontline volunteers during the pandemic
Alex Wakefield, Safeguarding policy lead at the Department of Health and Social Care wrote a letter (dated 27/5/20) to all Safeguarding Adult Board Chairs, clarifying that SABs can take proportionate actions to manage their statutory duties
SAB Manager Checklist
SCIE has produces a new methodology for ‘reviews in rapid time’, which allows learning from deaths to be established and disseminated expediently
The Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board shared some good practice, they published a COVID-19 related Safeguarding Adults Review referrals Position statement to advise all stakeholders and partners on how NSAB will consider COVID-19 related Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) referrals it receives in the coming months
SCIE has produced a new methodology for reviews in rapid time, which allows learning from deaths to be established and disseminated expediently.
The Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board shared some good practice, they published a COVID-19 related Safeguarding Adults Review referrals Position statement to advise all stakeholders and partners on how NSAB will consider COVID-19 related Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) referrals it receives in the coming months.
NHS Digital has undertaken a mid-year voluntary data collection which includes some safeguarding data publication provides the findings from the Safeguarding Adults Collection (SAC) for the period 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020.
Checklist for SABs during COVID-19
Statutory functioning
1. Have you agreed how the Board will continue to meet its statutory duties? If your Board is unable to do so, has this been formally noted and agreed by the partnership?
2. Have you agreed to produce a ‘reduced’ annual report or strategy?
3. Have you got a strategy and process for managing SARs remotely?
4. Have you got a process for managing new SAR referrals in the light of COVID-19?
5. Have you considered a ‘SAR in rapid time’ (SCIE model) for any COVID-19 related SAR referrals?
6. Have you considered how you will quality assure your partners to ensure that they are meeting their statutory responsibilities?
7. How can you assure yourselves that partners have implemented learning from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic into their winter planning?
8. Have you undertaken a review of safeguarding issues arising from subsequent lockdowns? Are safeguarding mechanisms in place still adequate or has the cumulative effect of lockdowns had a safeguarding impact on residents?
Review of safeguarding issues relating to COVID-19
9. There are a number of key safeguarding issues that have arisen as a result of COVID-19, for example, increased domestic abuse, financial abuse, and self-neglect. Have you considered whether any of these feature in your areas and discussed this with your Independent Chair?
10. Have you identified or got a process for identifying any specific areas of safeguarding risk for your Board?
11. Have you identified how you will monitor and report on areas of safeguarding risk that have been identified?
12. Are aware of which care homes and hospitals in your area have stopped visits (including professional visits), and whether this has raised any safeguarding concerns? Have any places not allowed visits since March?
13. Have you considered the potential safeguarding implications of any other non-COVID-19 related issues such as Brexit or winter planning?
14. Have you reviewed any safeguarding issues that are linked to or have been raised during the administration of the COVID-19 vaccination?
Core business
15. Have you made a decision on how the Board will manage its core business? For example, management of sub-groups, task and finish groups.
16. Have you considered whether to increase or reduce Executive or Board meetings?
17. Have you reviewed and edited your annual strategic plans in the light of COVID-19?
18. Have you considered how to prepare for COVID-19 surges or lockdowns?
19. Have you updated your risk register to include risks that have manifested as a result of COVID-19?
20. Have you ensured that any training provision is now provided virtually?
Professional and community engagement
21. Have you considered how you will engage with service users going forward?
22. Have you considered how you will advertise key safeguarding messages to professionals and the public?
23. Have you linked in with key stakeholders around COVID-19 safeguarding issues (for example, Public Health, Community Safety teams)
24. Have you engaged with any COVID-19 volunteer groups to ensure that they are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities?
Quality assurance
25. Have you compared data from 2019/20 to 2020/21 to identify the impact that COVID-19 has had on safeguarding referrals?
26. Have you considered whether to audit any cases to assess the impact that COVID-19 has had on safeguarding?
27. Have you put in place a process for learning from COVID-19?