
The following examples suggest ideas to help you create a culture and sport outcomes framework covering a number of policy themes.  You don't need to be constrained by them; you can refer to the examples as much or as little as you want and adapt the framework.

The Outcomes Frameworks consist of four elements:

  • Outcomes triangle
  • Logic model
  • Evidence
  • Performance indicators.

Outcomes triangle

The outcomes triangle gives an overview of how culture and sport can contribute to better outcomes across a number of themes. This example suggests local outcomes at service, intermediate and overarching strategic outcome levels.

What is an outcomes triangle?

A step-by-step guide to creating an outcomes triangle and logic model

Logic model

The logic model illustrates the main links between service activities and local outcomes. This example suggest broad groupings of activities, benefits of culture and sport to individuals, communities and places, and how these in turn contribute to the achievement of intermediate and overarching strategic outcomes.

What is a logic model?

A step-by-step guide to creating an outcomes triangle and logic model


The evidence section of the framework underpins the outcomes triangle and logic model. It lists searchable databases where you can find examples of validated national and international evidence that best demonstrate the contribution of culture and sport to the outcomes.

Examples of evidence for specific policy themes can be found in the specific theme evidence lists.

Evidence list: generic

What evidence should my framework include?

A step-by-step guide to reviewing the evidence

Performance indicators

The set of performance indicators is how you measure the contribution of culture and sport to local outcomes. This example suggests performance indicators to help you select a ‘basket' of indicators appropriate to your own area, using a ‘pick-and-mix' approach.

Performance indicators: generic

What performance indicators should my framework include?

A step-by-step guide to selecting performance indicators

Page updated May 2012.