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Offering a range of case studies on different EDI related topics.
The case studies include lessons learned as well as hints and tips for other councils.
If you are aware of EDI-related good practice that you think other councils would like to hear about please email us at [email protected]
In this section:
Stepping Up Programme - Bristol City Council
An example of a major positive action programme driven by the council to increase the diversity of senior leadership within public and private sector employers across a region.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole CP Council Equality Action Commission Group
An example of a council led cross party and joint community stakeholder group aimed at improving the way the council works with and supports Black Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals and communities in its area.
London Borough of Hackney – embedding diversity and equality in local government communications
An example offers an inclusive approach to communications, which centres around building trust and seeking to ensure all community members are informed.
Lancashire: new approaches to empowerment, cohesion and equalities
Lancashire County Council's Equalities and Cohesion team has designed a toolkit to help officers to consider the equality implications of prioritised activities and set actions to narrow the gaps between different groups of people.
The Big Lunch in Bradford: inclusion through food
An example of how a council gave voluntary groups and individuals a different way to engage the wider community and a framework for ongoing engagement through events to share food.
Erimus, boosting community cohesion, Middlesbrough
An example of how a large- scale community dance project achieved transformational social and cultural outcomes and won national awards for its contribution to community cohesion.
Black History Month - Worcestershire City Council
An example of how a council worked with partners to raise the awareness of Black history and lived experiences in its area.
Walsall Council's experience of cumulative Equality Impact Assessment
An example of how a council significantly improved its equality impact assessment processes.
London Borough of Hackney: Inclusive leadership
How a council sought to make a positive culture change through addressing the issue of inclusive leadership.
London Borough of Hackney: Hackney's Black curriculum
How a council developed a curriculum to teach children about Black history and the contribution that Black people have made to Britain.
London Borough of Hackney: Workforce diversity
An example of how a council has sought to increase the progression of ethnically diverse staff within its workforce.
The link between engagement and cohesion in Bexley
Bexley is keen to increase civic participation and citizen power, rates for which vary across the borough.
Equality and Strategic Planning – Leeds City Council
How a council embedded equality into the heart of its long - term vision for the City and its corporate and business plans.
Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group
This case study is an example of a city wide forum which brings together public sector organisations to tackle race inequality in the city.
Westminster City Council BAME Staff Network
An example of a council using its Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff network to help it work towards a real culture change within the organisation on equality and diversity issues.
Tackling inequalities and disproportionality – Camden Council
Following reports of disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on people from Black, Asian and other ethnic backgrounds, Camden Council formed a working group to investigate.
Bristol City Council’s Equality Commissions
This case study is an example of how city-wide commissions supported by the council and other stakeholders can make a difference.
Local Government Association Disabled Councillors’ Leadership Programme
In October 2022 the LGA, in partnership with the leading charity Disability Rights UK, launched a bespoke leadership development programme for Disabled councillors. This programme, funded by UK government, aims to provide councillors with unique networking opportunities, support in their role as local community leaders, and a chance to reflect on leadership through the lens of disability.
Cumberland Council and Westmorland and Furness Council: Shining a light on the superpowers of adults with disabilities and long-term health conditions
Run by and for Disabled staff, SHINE was set up as a disability staff network creating a safe space for Disabled staff and those with long-term health conditions, all driven by personal experiences. Advocating for the Social Model of Disability, SHINE has been able to create meaningful change across Cumbria County Council, now split into Westmorland and Furness, and Cumberland Council.
London Borough of Bromley: All-Age Autism Board
The Bromley All-Age Autism Partnership (BAAP), which is Chaired by a councillor with lived experience of autism, brings together representatives including autistic individuals, parent and carer representatives, local authority professionals, and the voluntary sector to improve services and the pathways to support in Bromley, for autistic children, young people and adults.
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham: Increasing the accessibility of council meetings
London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LHBF) made a commitment to work more closely with Disabled people to become a more inclusive and accessible borough. This led to the establishment of the independent Hammersmith & Fulham Disabled People’s Commission in 2016.
Powys County Council: Flexible and Remote Hybrid Working
Holding council meetings online, first adopted in response to the COVID-19 lockdowns, has led to a greater diversity of elected councillors in this geographically large council area.
Torbay Council: Improving employment practices and support for Disabled people and carers
Councillor Steve Darling MP was able to use his lived experience as a Disabled person to change the culture within the council, raising awareness and working with other Disabled colleagues to reduce barriers for staff and councillors.
Trafford Council: Co-production to improve the accessibility of the built environment
Councillor Shirley Proctor drew on her own lived experience, and that of other members and staff, to address an inaccessible built environment, both within Trafford Council and the borough.
West Midlands Combined Authority: Building an exemplar region for Disabled people
The ambition for the West Midlands has now been reframed away from a narrow focus on sport to an ambition to becoming an exemplary region for Disabled people across the board.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council: Growing the council's Disabled Staff Network
Two staff members with lived experience supported the Disabled Staff Network at East Riding Council to thrive.