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Community cohesion, inclusion and equality

Resources to support councils in building more equal, inclusive and cohesive communities.

Councils have role to play in building cohesive communities, which are places that:

  • offer a common vision and a sense of belonging for all
  • positively value diversity
  • provide equal opportunities to people from different backgrounds and
  • Provide an environment where strong and positive relationships can be developed between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods.

Promotion of equality is integral to building community cohesion. Local cohesion may be undermined where some groups have different experiences or outcomes to others, especially where linked to a group’s protected characteristics (though difference of opportunity may not necessarily be related to protected characteristics alone).

Councils have a role in helping to tackle inequalities and related issues, such as fostering good relations across and between communities and supporting efforts to prevent extremism and tackle hate crime, including against those with protected characteristics.

This page provides resources to support councils in building more equal, inclusive and cohesive communities.
