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All individual council funding applications should be coordinated by the OPE partnership for that area and submitted by the accountable body for the partnership. We welcome concise, clearly structured and well-referenced proposals. Please complete the application template, basic details form and technical annex fully, alongside any other essential supporting documents.
The funding criteria has changed from previous rounds of Brownfield Land Release Funding and Land Release Funding. Make sure you read all the documents and FAQs carefully before applying. The fund details, technical annex and application form should be read as a whole to understand the information and evidence necessary to support a successful application.
For further advice and guidance on how to structure your application, please contact your regional programme managers.
Applications received either in part or full after the deadline of the current assessment point will be kept on file and considered during the next assessment point application window.
Funding criteria
For any OPE Partnership application to be considered, the evaluation process will follow three stages:
- Eligibility criteria (pass/fail)
- Gateway criteria (pass/fail)
Applications must ‘pass’ stages 1 and 2 to move onto stage 3 of the assessment - Project prioritisation criteria
Further guidance on the above can be found in the fund details, FAQs and below in the downloadable documents.
Downloadable documents
(Note: Round 1 funding is now closed)
- application form
- basic details form
- technical annex
- place based scores list
- Technical Annex and Non-Monetised Impacts (NMI) guidance
- Draft Grant Funding Agreement (GFA)
The fund is open for three years (2022 - 2025) with at least three assessment points during that time. An illustrative timeline can be found in the fund details.
The application timetable for BLRF2 Round 1 was as follows:
Application window opens 8 July 2022
Final deadline for applications 19 August 2022
Decision on final applications and announcement of funding awards Autumn 2022
If successful, applicants will receive funding offers and will be invited to complete a Conditions of Funding letter detailing the funding award and delivery arrangements for funded projects.
Further guidance and support on applications is available from your OPE regional programme managers.