Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
There is a growing recognition of the value of using community assets to support demand for adult social care that is shaped to the individual’s needs. We have gathered all our resources, webinars and support offers related to personalised and asset-based practice. There is also a community of practice that meets on a quarterly basis.
There is a growing recognition of the value of using community assets to support demand for adult social care that is shaped to the individual’s needs. This page focuses on community provision through the use of the voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise sector and the use of existing assets or the development of more assets.
Many councils are innovating to support their residents both with formal social care and also helping to connect them to wider support and building networks.
In this section we have gathered all our resources, webinars and support offers. We have presentations showcasing great practice (please note past presentations are taken down from the website after six months to comply with our accessibility statement). There is also a community of practice that meets on a quarterly basis and you are welcome to join.
Adult social care front doors
Early intervention success stories
Slide set and summary from our online event on 15 March 2024.
Community of practice
We recognise the value in learning from peers in other councils. We facilitate a supportive community of practice which meets quarterly to discuss what has gone well, but equally areas of learning and development. Please email [email protected] for more information.