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Working with people

'Working with People' is a diverse work stream and is focussed on supporting councils and the wider health and social care system, in their work with people who draw on support across adult social care.

Partners in Care and Health banner

'Working with People' is currently focussed on supporting councils and the wider adult social care system in the following areas:

  • understanding and managing waiting lists for adult social care
  • assessments – to undertake proportionate assessments and reviews including online and self-assessment and the development of trusted assessors
  • information and advice – supporting councils to provide good information and advice services that enable people, carers, and families to take control of, and make well- informed choices about their care and support and how they fund it
  • support for unpaid carers – ensuring the profile of unpaid carers is understood across the health and social care system. This is inclusive of young carers transitioning into their adult life
  • mental health assessments and service development
  • personalised and asset-based practice
  • safeguarding.

We work closely with other well-respected organisations to support improvement and to be the voice of adult social care helping the Government understand the challenges faced by the sector.