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Conditions of service for school teachers in England and Wales (Burgundy book)

The Burgundy Book is a national agreement between the five teacher unions and the national employers (NEOST).

A handbook setting out the conditions of service for school teachers in England and Wales has been updated for the first time in over two decades.

The Burgundy Book is a national agreement between the five teacher unions and the national employers (NEOST).

It is relevant to around half a million teachers and is an essential reference for all schools – both maintained and academies – with the majority choosing to incorporate the agreement into their teachers’ contracts of employment.

Its main provisions relate to notice periods, sick leave and pay, and maternity leave and pay.

The 2023 edition updates legislation and clarifies terminology without amending the application of any of the terms and conditions of employment contained in the Burgundy Book.

Read the full press release including statements from NEOST and the Trade unions.

Download the Burgundy Book - June 2023

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School teachers