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From Hackney to North West Leicestershire, learn how councils are benefitting from the Recruitment Reset programme.
The London Borough of Camden
“…working together with the group allows for sharing best practices, brainstorming solutions, and learning from each other’s experiences. For me it’s a fantastic way to gather new ideas and strategies that you might not have considered on your own.”
Wayne Cockerill, Resourcing Manager
Cambridge City Council
“I am delighted to be taking part in the Recruitment Reset Programme. Working together with likeminded professionals, each facing similar challenges, within local government has created a unity and strong network which is invaluable. Being able to share ideas and creativity and to know that everyone truly understands and wants to help you realise the ambitions for your organisation is great. Each week in the Masterclass session there is something else to add to my own personal toolkit, extending my knowledge and skills. Through the Mastermind session we are given the time and support to share our thoughts and reflections in a safe space which allows opportunity to understand the barriers and challenges we may face.
It is a small group and our Programme Lead knows each and every one of us. I enjoy having that connection with the rest of the cohort which supports my particular learning style. I would absolutely recommend this opportunity to anyone considering it.”
Vickie Jameson, Recruitment Manager
London Borough of Hackney
“Working together with likeminded professionals, each facing similar challenges, within local government has created a unity and strong network which is invaluable. Being able to share ideas and creativity and to know that everyone truly understands and wants to help you realise the ambitions for your organisation is great."
Francesca Ruocco, Strategy Lead, Resourcing and Talent Acquisition
North West Leicestershire District Council
The recruitment reset programme has given me a real opportunity to just stop, reflect and clearly define my organisations next steps. The maturity model that we have been introduced to is a great tool to help us understand our recruitment processes, what goes into it, where we currently are and how we can improve, this has been a massive support as we’ve been able to clearly see which area’s we need to focus on to take our recruitment to the next level!
It has also been great to meet so many other recruitment professionals from all across the country that are all having the same issues that we are! The group are always sharing tips, ideas, and learnings to help others and it’s already proven to be a great networking group for not only recruitment but other areas! It is a great programme which I have already gained so much from so would urge anyone thinking about it to apply – you won’t regret it!
Tiegan Adcock, Human Resources Officer
Further information
For further information on the Recruitment Reset programme please contact the following people.
Peta Newlin, Senior Adviser, Workforce, LGA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07768 987481
David Drewry, Adviser, Commercial, LGA
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07741 701766