Amendment relating to the sale of higher value council homes
Amendment 438 tabled by Vice-President Lord Best (Crossbench) would remove all sections relating to the sale of vacant higher value local authority housing in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (sections 69 to 79).
- The LGA supports this amendment as it will implement the Government’s commitment to not take forward the powers to require councils to sell higher value council homes outlined in the Social Housing Green Paper (Page 8). – “We will not require local authorities to make a payment in respect of their vacant higher value council homes and are exploring new flexibilities over how they spend Right to Buy receipts.”
Amendment relating to street votes
Amendment 248 tabled by Lord Young of Cookham (Conservative) and LGA Vice-President Baroness Thornhill (Liberal Democrat) provides guidance on how to solve a conflict between a street vote and development plan.
- The LGA supports this amendment. It is conceivable that unplanned, unforeseen street voting may conflict with the development plan. The legislation must provide a steer on how to resolve this conflict.
- The development plan is supposed to act as the masterplan for development at local level and should therefore take primacy. If ad hoc street voting were to take primacy, this would undermine the rights of residents that participated in the plan-making stage for the development plan, as well as the principle of a plan-led system which is the centrepiece of the Government’s reforms.
Amendment relating to planning fees
Amendment 267 tabled by Lord Young of Cookham (Conservative) and LGA Vice-President Baroness Thornhill (Liberal Democrat) would allow local authorities to develop a planning fees schedule that would enable the full costs of delivering its development management services, including the processing of planning applications, to be recovered.
- The LGA welcomes the government’s commitment to increase planning fees, as it has for a long time been our position that there is a need for a well-resourced planning system. However, the proposed increase for major and minor applications of 35% and 25% respectively will not on its own enough to comprehensively address the issue of resourcing in the planning sector.
- We support this amendment as it would enable local authorities to set planning fees at a local level, including those for dealing with permitted development applications and discharge of planning conditions. This would enable councils to deliver responsive council planning services that are crucial to growth and building the homes we need.
Amendments relating to local plans and Infrastructure Levy
Two amendments (344 and 350) and tabled by LGA Vice-President Lord Best (Crossbench) would tie the application of the Infrastructure Levy to the level of affordable housing requirement identified in the local development plan.
- A local, plan-led planning system must remain in place. The Government has stated that the Infrastructure Levy will be set locally and non-negotiable, which we welcome.
- Assuming this commitment is upheld and to ensure that the housing needs of communities are met, the application of the Infrastructure Levy must be in accordance with the local development plan.
- The LGA wants to work with the government to ensure the Infrastructure Levy is a success. If the objective is to improve on the current Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy system, then the new Infrastructure Levy must deliver proportionately more affordable housing at local authority level than the current system would have delivered. This includes the affordable housing that has been lost as a result of viability.
Amendment relating to national development management policies (NDMPs)
Amendment 187 tabled by Baroness Hayman of Ullock (Labour) would place limits on the primacy of NDMPs over the development plan where a CCA had been handed planning, highways, environmental powers and at least one function of another public body under a devolution deal, in areas covered by a joint spatial development strategy and in Greater London.
- The LGA supports the principle of this amendment in ensuring that any conflict between the development plan and national development management policies should be resolved in favour of the development plan.
- Local development plans are subject to robust and extensive testing during its preparation, which includes a thorough examination process to establish its soundness. Therefore, the development plan should carry full legal weight and particularly over policies and plans that are not subject to the same level of scrutiny.
- We would like to see this principle being applied to all local development plans, not just where a Combined County Authority had been handed planning, highways, environmental powers and at least one function of another public body under a devolution deal, in areas covered by a joint spatial development strategy and in Greater London.
Amendment 192 tabled by Baroness Hayman of Ullock (Labour)
This amendment probes what will take precedence if the development plan conflicts with the NDMP. It does this by proposing that the development plan has precedence over any national development management policy in the event of any conflict between the two.
- The LGA supports this amendment. This amendment would ensure that one of the key principles of the planning reforms - ‘a genuinely plan-led system’ - is enshrined in the Bill.
- The amendment supports local democracy underpinned by community engagement. The local development plan is subject to robust and extensive testing during its preparation, which includes a thorough examination process to establish its soundness. Therefore, the development plan should carry full legal weight and particularly over policies and plans that is not subject to the same level of scrutiny.
- In addition, the development plan addresses specific local issues that meet the needs of communities that live in that local area. In contrast, the national development management policy will cover generic planning issues. Therefore, the amendment ensures that planning policy will be tailored to local circumstances and that the rights of communities that have shaped the local development plan are upheld.
Amendment relating to planning data
Amendment 182 tabled by Baroness Taylor of Stevenage (Labour). This amendment would mean that the Secretary of State may only make planning data regulations which contain provision relating to local authorities after consulting with local authorities.
- The LGA supports this amendment. It is right that where new regulations are introduced that relate to local authorities, that they should only be introduced following consultation with local authorities. This will help to ensure that they are fit-for-purpose, that any new burdens are identified and addressed and to avoid any unintended consequences of implementation.
Amendment relating to planning permission
Amendment 261 tabled by Baroness Taylor of Ullock (Labour) would enable the issuance of completion notices withdrawing planning permission with a deadline of less than 12 months when certain conditions are met, and enable completion notices to require that building works be removed from a site or a site be reinstated to its previous condition.
- The LGA supports this amendment. This would give local authorities additional flexibility to expedite the withdrawal of planning permissions in specific circumstances.
Amendment relating to “agent of change principle”
Amendment 266 tabled by Baroness McIntosh (Conservative) and Baroness Henig (Labour), that would enshrine the “agent of change principle” in law. This is the principle requiring planning policies and decisions to ensure that new development can be integrated effectively with existing businesses and community facilities so that those businesses and facilities do not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of developments permitted after they were established.
- The LGA supports the proposal to enshrine the ‘Agent of Change’ principle in law. This will build on the 2018 update to the National Planning Policy Framework which included detailed reference to the ‘Agent of Change’ principle and also the update to the section 182 guidance in 2022, which accompanies the Licensing Act 2003.
- New development can have the potential to cause tension within communities where there are already established licensed premises, particularly those that promote live music. These venues can provide an important cultural contribution to an area, as well as promoting the next generation of musicians. Agent of change means those bringing about a change take responsibility for its impact. It means that developers are responsible for identifying and solving any sound problems, if granted permission to build housing near existing venues, to help avoid music venues, community and sports clubs and even churches running into expensive issues as a result of complaints from new neighbours
- We would expect that a noise impact assessment is also accompanied by a detailed mitigation plan.
Amendment relating to resourcing in planning departments
Amendment 281 tabled by Baroness Taylor of Stevenage (Labour). This amendment would require the Secretary of State to provide sufficient additional resources to local planning authorities to enable them to implement the changes required by Chapter 5 of Part 3.
- The LGA supports this amendment as all new burdens relating to any new duties arising out of the Bill should be fully funded by the government.
Amendments relating to holiday lets and second homes
Two amendments (264 and 265) tabled by Lord Foster of Bath (Liberal Democrat) and LGA Vice-President Lord Shipley (Liberal Democrat) would create a new use class for second homes and a new use class for holiday rentals.
- The LGA supports these measures, which would give local authorities greater powers to shape local housing markets and strengthen local oversight of changes in accommodation in an area.
Amendments relating to long-term empty dwellings
Amendment 168 tabled by Baroness Taylor of Stevenage (Labour) removes the one-year lead in period relating to Clause 76 on long term empty dwellings.
- The LGA supports this amendment. Councils have told the LGA that they would want to use the clause at the earliest possible opportunity.
- As the Bill currently stands, the Government will have to give a financial years’ notice after the Bill becomes law, and if the Bill is not law by 1 April 2023, the earliest the premium can be applied is 1 April 2025.
Amendment relating to smoke free pavements
Amendment tabled by Lord Young of Cookham (Conservative) which would ensure that all pavement licences are smoke free.
- The LGA supports this amendment as it will set a level playing field for hospitality venues across the country, ensure outdoor drinking and dining is a family friendly environment and have the added public health benefit of protecting people from unwanted second-hand smoke.
- Prohibiting smoking in an area where a pavement licence has been granted will also make the legislation clearer for businesses and easier for licensing authorities to enforce.
Amendment relating to audit
Amendment 84 tabled by LGA Vice-President Lord Shipley (Liberal Democrat), that aims to enhance public confidence in the audit process by increasing the number of independent people on the audit committee.
- The LGA supports this amendment. The use of independent co-opted members on audit committees can be helpful in providing expertise and capacity which supports elected members of audit committees in achieving assurance.
- The constitutional rules should still require the majority of audit committee members to be elected members. This is for two reasons (a) audit committees are fulfilling a role delegated by elected members in general who are jointly and severally ‘those charged with governance’, and (b) elected members represent the community and are in a unique position not enjoyed by independent co-optees to understand what the concerns of local people are in relation to assurance. For similar reasons, ideally audit committee chairs ought to be elected representatives.
- Auditors have sometimes told us that co-opted members get too much deference from elected members of the committee. That is another reason for making sure that the meeting dynamic is essentially one of elected representatives supported by co-optees.
- The issue of remuneration arises. The more demand there is for co-optees, the more likely it will be necessary to pay higher stipends for their services.
- It is sometimes said that there is insufficient supply of suitable individuals to fill all co-opted roles. We suspect that is overstated and the real issue is market reach and remuneration.
Amendment relating to the Fair Funding Review
Amendment 172 tabled by Baroness Taylor of Stevenage (Labour) which would ensure the Secretary of State publishes the Fair Funding Review within a year of this act receiving Royal Assent.
- When the Fair Funding Review is published, we would urge the Government to ensure there is enough time for formal consultation with local authorities.
- When the Review does happen, it needs to consider both the data and the formulas used to distribute funding and the Government needs to ensure that overall local government funding is sufficient when new needs formulae are introduced. This will ensure that no council sees its funding reduced and that there are transitional arrangements for any business rates reset.
Amendment relating to remote meetings
New Clause 158 tabled by Baroness Mcintosh of Pickering (Conservative) would enable local authorities to meet virtually. It is based on regulation 5 of the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, made under section 78 of the Coronavirus Act 2020.
- The LGA supports this new clause. The LGA has been long calling for urgent legislation for all remote council meetings and we responded to the Government’s consultation on remote meetings in June 2021.
- Over the course of the pandemic, councils conducted all of their council business remotely. Councils reported to us that virtual meetings allowed for critical decisions to be made democratically and without delay during this emergency period.
- Key benefits include the resilience of democratic processes and reduced reliance on delegating decisions to officers in times of crisis and flexibility, resulting in better councillor attendance and drastically increased resident engagement with council meetings.
- Councils also noted that physical meetings can be a barrier to attendance for some individuals and that virtual meetings can be more accessible. Disabled people and people with caring responsibilities or working commitments can find virtual meetings easier to access; this applies to residents and councillors alike.
- If the flexibility to hold online meetings is restored to councils it is essential that the Government avoids being overly prescriptive about the circumstances under which councils can use virtual and hybrid meeting formats.
- Councils and councillors are best placed to decide how and when to use different meetings formats to balance the advantages and disadvantages of different meeting options and reflect the variety of local authority types and governance arrangements. Councils will need considerable flexibility for local determination as to how and when to utilise virtual and hybrid meetings to ensure they can realise the benefits of different meeting options to suit their local context.
- We continue to urge the Government to publish the findings of the consultation as quickly as possible.