Councils across the country are focusing their efforts on how we can lead the economic recovery post-pandemic. Communities have suffered during this period of hibernation and we need to ensure that we secure a recovery that delivers sustainable growth for all our residents.
Alongside the imperative of ensuring we get the economy growing again we have to ensure that we are taking steps to tackle the climate emergency. The climate emergency has not gone away, it continues to be a pressing concern for us all.
The only way to deliver sustainable long-term growth is to ensure that that growth is part of a transition to a decarbonised economy. Only growth that sustains industries that have a future will deliver the long-term jobs and investment that our communities need.
Too often economic growth and environmental protection are seen as being in opposition. This does not have to be the case. In fact, timely investment in green jobs could deliver a long-term boost to our economy. Nearly 700,000 direct jobs could be created in England’s low-carbon and renewable energy economy by 2030, rising to more than 1.18 million by 2050. We need to think again about how we support people into those jobs and invest in the critical infrastructure to make the transition. Long term recovery can only be delivered by industries that have a long-term future in a post carbon economy.
This guide soughts to address how electric charging infrastructure can help us access this green dividend. Many councils have been looking at investing in charging infrastructure and transitions to the vehicle fleet. We previously wrote a guide outlining the reasons councils should consider electric vehicle infrastructure in their future plans.
Whilst this guide was drafted before the current lockdown, given the importance of securing our economic recovery and the need for that recovery to be compatible with our environmental goals we are now sharing this guide to examine these issues in more detail. This guide focuses on the role that electric charging infrastructure investment can play in green growth. We hope councils find it useful and interesting.