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Let's do business waste

Let's do business waste

Local councils across England provide valued collection services to businesses either directly or indirectly through support and advice. In this report we will review the legislative context and potential for businesses to reduce their environmental impact.

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Local government capacity survey: Environmental health

This report highlights challenges in recruiting, developing and retaining staff across the different environmental health specialisms, and increasing pressures facing environmental health teams.

Net zero strategy and support: Research report

As the UK nears the next general election, it is important to capture local council officer’s views of how central government is supporting their authorities. This report will provide details on officers’ views of how central government is assisting council’s climate change policy and the delivery of net zero locally.

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Climate action: International learnings on the governance of national and local government collaboration

Councils in England are taking innovative steps to tackle climate change, including declaring climate emergencies, developing action plans and rolling out demonstrator projects. This report explores the governance arrangements in five case study countries, to understand how they structure and govern their response to climate change. The report draws out key insights and recommendations for England.

Regulatory services and net zero is written in purple with smaller text which reads: mapping local levers written in black on a white background. In the top left corner is the LGA logo in purple.

Regulatory services and net zero: mapping local levers

This interactive document has been designed to support councils in mapping the levers local regulatory services they have at their disposal to help deliver net zero ambitions.

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Renewable Energy Good Practice Guidance 2023

Most local authorities already have some experience of renewable energy generation, usually through building mounted solar PV systems.

Green Jobs: creating the workforce to deliver net zero

Green jobs: creating the workforce to deliver net zero

Using the principles of Work Local, this policy position sets out how this relationship could operate, bringing together net zero and the skills system to align and collectively develop the green skills and jobs that are needed.

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Accelerating adaptation action: Councils preparing for climate change

Councils are critical in preparing people and places to the impacts of the changing climate. As leaders in communities, they deliver hundreds of essential services to protect public health, manage roads, prepare for floods, and provide open space. Nationally we are not sufficiently prepared for the impacts of climate change, and central government must prioritise its work with local government to close this gap. This research report explores local authorities' preparedness for climate adaptation.

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Identifying and promoting green growth opportunities

Councils are already showing high levels of commitment to support the UK’s targets, with over 300 councils having already declared a climate emergency. This report explores the ways in which councils can use their powers and influence to attract and stimulate a low carbon business base.

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Green heat: Achieving heat and buildings decarbonisation by 2050

In this paper we explore the critical components of heat decarbonisation and how local and central government can work together to deliver it by 2050.

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