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Local authorities' modern slavery statements

Local authorities are uniquely placed to be at the forefront of the fight against modern slavery and are demonstrating awareness and ethical leadership by voluntarily completing modern slavery transparency statements.

The University of Greenwich and the Business, Human Rights and the Environment (BHRE) Research Group carried out a piece of research into councils' modern slavery statements. The analysis found a number of common pitfalls that we address in our aide memoire on modern slavery and transparency in supply chains statements, which is intended to be used as an accompanying document to the existing guide for public procurement practitioners on protecting human rights in the supply chain.

There are some simple things to get right, and strategies that can be developed to start the learning process. The aide memoire aims to give you practical advice on how to draft your first statement: what to include, where to publish it, and how to avoid some of those pitfalls. It can also be used to assist those looking to build on previous statements: to implement year-on-year improvements and evidence your progress in tackling the risks and incidence of modern slavery in your operations and supply chains.

This is a journey which many of you will just be embarking on. Your first statement might not evidence much activity to start with, but by identifying the steps you have taken and setting realistic targets, your council will have taken the first steps in fighting modern slavery in your supply chain which can be built upon, year on year, to evolve and improve.

Modern slavery transparency statements: council submissions

The LGA gratefully acknowledge the research carried out by Anna Gorna, Rahima Islam and Dr Olga Martin-Ortega of the University of Greenwich who compiled this list.

If your council’s transparency statement, commonly referred to as a 'modern slavery and human trafficking statement', is not listed here and you would like it added – or if you require any help or support in drafting and compiling your statement – please email [email protected]

Modern slavery transparency statements: fire and rescue service submissions