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LGA responds to Universal Credit reforms

“Using their local leadership, knowledge of the local labour market and ability to bring partners together, councils are uniquely placed to deliver a coherent, local joined-up offer to help people get back into work and training, backed up by the right funding.”

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Open jar of money

Spending Review 2021: LGA responds to Universal Credit taper rate change

“The adjustment of the taper rate of Universal Credit and the increase in the work allowance announced today is an important part of supporting recovery from the pandemic, which should help to mitigate some but not all of the impact of the ending of the Universal Credit uplift."

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Loan sharks warning as debt enquiries hit record high

The loan sharks warning comes as latest figures show that 12,652 people a week in the UK are seeking help for problem debt – the equivalent of one person every 48 seconds.

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Young boy sitting on lady's knee

LGA responds to Work and Pensions Committee welfare report into ‘disadvantaged people losing out’

Chair of the LGA’s Resources Board, Cllr Richard Watts, responds to the Work and Pensions Committee’s report which found that vulnerable groups have been worst affected by welfare reforms.

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Pound coins

LGA responds to Universal Credit delay

"The Government needs to use this delay to work closely with the LGA, councils and stakeholders so that we can provide the best for vulnerable claimants and ensure no-one loses out on transitional protection. "

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LGA responds to NAO report on Universal Credit

"The Government needs to restore funding to councils for local welfare assistance schemes so they can provide the local safety net to help those struggling to cope with welfare reforms, including the roll out of Universal Credit."

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Budget 2017: LGA responds to Universal Credit announcement

"The measures announced today should allow councils to ensure that fewer claimants get into financial difficulty at the start of their claim."

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