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Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Youth Spaces and Early Help in Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest Council has established a dynamic, youth-focused initiative to provide young people (aged 11-25) with free, accessible spaces and activities that address not only crime prevention but also broader issues such as poverty, anti-social behaviour (ASB), and mental health.

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Health and Wellbeing support for care experienced young people using a social prescribing approach

The ESCC set up a project based on a ‘social prescribing' approach to personalised care. The project aimed to use Personal Health Budgets to support care experienced young people who were identified as experiencing difficulties with their Mental Health and Wellbeing, whose lives were impacted adversely from their own experiences in life, as well as through the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Brighton and Hove’s integrated approach to supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.

Brighton and Hove Council employs a multi-agency, stepped care approach to support children and young people’s mental health. These services are embedded in every secondary school, extend to primary schools and colleges, and offer a range of interventions to support mental health at all levels.

Restorative and inclusive schools in Gloucestershire

In 2016, Gloucestershire schools faced high exclusion rates, leading to the introduction of restorative practices, which significantly reduced suspensions and improved attendance. Now implemented in over 70 schools, the approach fosters safer environments, better mental health, and improved teacher retention.

Bee Counted Health Inspectors

Bee Counted is an inspection process where young people inspect health services across Greater Manchester. The aim of ensuring health services are responsive to the needs of young people by listening to their views and acting on them.

Bee Heard having a voice on youth mental health in Greater Manchester

Established in 2020 Bee Heard works in partnership with the Community and Crisis Mental Health Boards. The aim is to give young people aged 16-24, from across Greater Manchester an opportunity to shape and advise on a wide range of mental health services.

Helping Hands: Bridging Mental Health Support and Education/Employment in North Tyneside

Helping Hands is a partnership between Phoenix Detached Youth Project and Connexions, North Tyneside, providing integrated support for mental health, emotional wellbeing, education, and employment. The programme offers ongoing group and 1:1 support for young people facing challenges like anxiety, low mood, and social isolation.

Youth-Led Solutions: Cllr Claire Mascarenhas and St Neots' Mental Health Initiative

In response to rising mental health concerns and a lack of facilities for young people in St Neots, Cllr Claire Mascarenhas spearheaded a community-driven initiative. This included hiring a dedicated Youth Worker, involving young people in the recruitment process, and securing additional funding to further support local youth mental health needs.

Embedding a Mental Health Support Team in the Educational Psychology service.

Sutton’s Mental Health Support Team, embedded within the Educational Psychology service, builds strong connections with schools and support services to offer early intervention for mental health. The team also addresses parental anxiety and works to improve school attendance linked to mental health issues.

Sutton Council: Universal parenting service

Sutton’s family hubs have a universal parenting service that has been developed for parents by parents. The programmes are facilitated by trained parent group leaders and have been incorporated into the wider parenting support offer of the family hubs.

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