Offering people joined-up, coordinated health and care services, for example by aligning community nurse teams and GP practices with care homes, can help reduce unnecessary admissions to hospital as well as improve hospital discharge.
Feedback on what works and how to overcome the challenges
- training care staff to deal with greater frailty and complexity
- incentivising the market to have the right kinds of placements available.
National guidance
- NHSE Quick Guide: Clinical input into care homes (October 2015)
- NHSE Quick Guide: Technology in care homes (October 2015)
- NHS New Care Models: The Framework for Enhanced Care in Care Homes
Examples of emerging practice
Featured pages
High impact change model examples of emerging and developing practice
The model identifies eight system changes that will have the greatest impact on reducing delayed discharge.
Better Care Fund Support Programme 2023-25
Commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and free to local systems, we provide a range of support approaches to local health and social care systems to improve how they commission and deliver health and care services which is integrated, effective and sustainable.