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Using trusted assessors to carry out a holistic assessment of need avoids duplication and speeds up response times so that people can be discharged in a safe and timely way.
Some things that people have told us about what works and how to overcome the challenges
- adopting as a key principle that long term assessments are not carried out in hospital
- placing an emphasis on trust – working through the MDT, so staff read each other’s assessments rather than do their own
- co-designing and delivering approaches with care providers and residential homes.
National guidance
- NHS Improvement, Developing Trusted Assessment Schemes – Essential Elements
- NHS England, quick guide to improving hospital discharge to the care sector
- NHS England quick guide to Discharging to Assess
Examples of local initiatives
Featured pages
High impact change model examples of emerging and developing practice
The model identifies eight system changes that will have the greatest impact on reducing delayed discharge.
Better Care Fund Support Programme 2023-25
Commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and free to local systems, we provide a range of support approaches to local health and social care systems to improve how they commission and deliver health and care services which is integrated, effective and sustainable.