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Better Care Fund Support Programme 2023-25

Commissioned by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and free to local systems, we provide a range of support approaches to local health and social care systems to improve how they commission and deliver health and care services which is integrated, effective and sustainable.

Better Care Fund banner image

Better Care Fund Support Programme for local systems

The LGA has been delivering the BCF Support Programme since 2016. The BCF Support Programme 2023-2025 is a partnership between the LGA, ADASS and Newton Europe. We deliver a wide range of improvement support and interventions to health and social care systems both at Integrated Care Board and Place level to overcome some of the main challenges in delivering integrated, effective, person-centred health and care services and embedding sustainable solutions.

This support is free to local systems and we provide access to a range of contractors and consultancies to support systems with improvement work.

We are currently working with 61 local systems across the country.

Our purpose reflects two core objectives of the Better Care Fund (BCF):

  • Enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer
  • Provide the right care in the right place at the right time

This programme has been commissioned by the DHSC. Our support is sector led, responsive, flexible, collaborative and addresses the priorities which local systems themselves identify.

The BCF Support Programme offer has four main elements, offered individually or in combinations with each other:

  • Diagnostic: Support for system leaders to gain shared understanding of their strengths and biggest opportunities for improvement, and to agree what support they need to take these opportunities.
  • Review and co-design: Support across operational, clinical and strategic levels to address these specific improvement opportunities.
  • Implementation and change: Helping a system set up its change programme. Support with implementation of specific actions.
  • Follow up: Checking with local systems to hear how implementation is going and where needed to offer any further input including follow up implementation support.

These elements are delivered in three main ways:

  1. Universal: These support offers are accessible to all systems to use as they see fit. Examples are self-assessment tools such as the High Impact Change Models, webinars, or published good practice. 
  2. Targeted: These are locally offered. They contain a standard offer based on evidence of what works but can be locally adapted.
  3. Bespoke: These are individually designed with each system. They are more likely to be around the review/design and implementation elements.

Examples of diagnostic support

  • Peer review: a team of peers (health/social care/patient voice) works with a system to provide a critical friend perspective. Virtual and usually over two days.
  • Scoping: An individual works with system leaders, using data/intelligence and interviews. Process allows for an iterative set of conversations to help arrive at a collective view.
  • Discharge to assess: An analytical approach, with four elements: case review, what the data says, voice of the person, and the environment for change to help systems understand the current model and outcomes, the environment for change, identify share priorities and agree an improvement plan.

In all cases the system will be left with a report for system leaders with recommendation for priorities and actions.

Targeted support for systems: types of support

Resources and information

Essential links

Better Care Exchange workspace

Please join this closed community to view the latest updates and information about the Better Care Fund. You can also use the forum to ask regional and national questions and share any thoughts or comments you may have. 

How to join the Better Care Exchange workspace

  1. Follow the link to join the Better Care Exchange workspace on the Better Care
  2. If you are new to FutureNHS, please complete your profile details
  3. You will now be able to join the workspace and check your preferences

Integration and Better Care Fund bulletin

For the latest news, announcements and case studies on the BCF, please subscribe to the bi-weekly bulletin by sending an email to [email protected]

How to access support 

Email us at [email protected] with an outline of the request and system/place contact details:

Please copy in your Better Care Manager (BCM) and your Care and Health Improvement Adviser (CHIA) for your area within your support request email. Initial support requests can also be discussed with your local Better Care Manager or Care and Health Improvement Adviser

Local systems wanting to take up support can also access the support offer via ECIST regional or social care lead, or by directly contacting the BCF Support Programme team:

The BCF Support Programme team will get in touch to discuss and scope the support requirements with the system.