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In addition to bespoke interventions with systems, the BCF Support Programme produces products and tools around a range of key subjects, to inform and support health and social care systems in their improvement ambitions.
Support tools
- Preventive and proactive care: research report - a report which provides peer learning for local health and care systems, including implementation, evaluation and economic information to facilitate local investment decision-making.
- Managing transfers of care – A High Impact Change Model is a flagship LGA tool which promotes a new approach to system resilience, moving away from a focus solely on winter pressures to a year-round approach to support timely hospital discharge.
- Strategic collaborative planning and commissioning – a guide which aims to provide an overview of four key enablers that support health and social care systems to collaboratively plan and commission effective support, at a strategic level.
- People first, manage what matters... was published by Newton Europe - commissioned by the Better Care Support Programme - highlights the challenges health and social care systems are facing to sustainably reduce delayed discharges, and the impact this is having on people’s lives, as well as system finances.
- Reducing preventable admissions to hospital and long-term care – A High Impact Change Model is an LGA tool which aims to support local care, health, and wellbeing partners to work together to prevent, delay or divert the need for acute hospital or long-term bed-based care.
- Achieving integrated care through community and neighbourhood working – A High Impact Change Model is an LGA resource which focuses on how health and care partners can work differently with communities to build individual and community resilience and improve health and wellbeing.
- The Improving Health and Wellbeing through Housing High Impact Change Model aims to support local care, health, and housing partners to work together to deliver the range of housing that is most effective in enabling older people and other people with health and care needs to live independently and to shape local housing markets and services to achieve this.
- Home First, Discharge to Assess and Homelessness: A High Impact Change Model – This resource supports systems to apply the principles of the HICM for Transfers of Care to people moving through the system who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.