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Following our Regional Retrofit Action Plan training, councils have shared their learnings and outputs to showcase what action planning looks like in their area.
Ashfield District Council have provided an overview of how they plan to carry out a data based local approach to retrofitting. This approach has allowed the council and partners to broaden out scope and outlook to drill down and target action more specifically and provide greater understanding of housing characteristics and condition in the district.
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) are creating a 'green team' to engage with communities and businesses to provide sustainability advice and help kick-start retrofitting in the borough. This paper provides an overview of what the key principles have been when developing this offer within BDBC.
Creating a 'green team' to engage with communities and businesses in Basingstoke and Deane
Bolsover District Council have submitted an overview action plan of intended activity for 2023 to 2026 that maps out the journey to date, what has been accomplished so far, and they have identified barriers and several actions to overcome these challenges.
Coventry City Council have provided a summary of their approach to increasing the uptake of residential retrofit and accelerating its growth within the city and how they have delivered the agenda locally.
Derbyshire County Council provide an overview of how they approached engaging communities and homeowners with district and borough council partners (Derbyshire Dales & Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Local Authorities' Energy Partnership) to co-design their action plan for housing retrofit.
An overview from Hampshire County Council on the key steps to build a business case for an ‘Able-to-Pay’ resident retrofit scheme.
Herefordshire County Council have reflected on their experiences of the local retrofit action planning training programme and have compiled an options paper to consider when developing a retrofit hub. Research is currently ongoing and this paper is for other councils to consider how they could approach and understand the function of a retrofit hub.
This output is a reflective piece from the five technical briefings on the Local Retrofit Action Planning Course from a representative from High Peak and Staffordshire Moorlands. This is a checklist that provides context and critical aspects to consider when delivering an action plan.
Find a deep dive into Luton Council’s reflections from the action planning process and main aspects to consider when tackling the retrofitting agenda in your area.
Kingston Council is organising a Green Home Show at a local school in Kingston, which will bring together local retrofit educators, suppliers and residents who are interested in retrofitting their own property, are curious about retrofit or would like to know more about a career in a related sector.
Northumberland County Council have drafted a retrofit action plan based on their learnings from the LGA LRAP training programme. This plan provides an overview of actions, planned timelines, barriers and outcomes that could be considered when developing and committing to actions that will promote further retrofit in a local area across several priority areas; Financial Planning, Developing Data, Strategic Planning, and Customer Buy-In.
Northumberland County Council's retrofit action plan checklist
Oxfordshire County Council in partnership with the Low Carbon Hub, brought together a range of stakeholders including the District Councils, organisations with a strategic role in transforming domestic retrofit provision in Oxfordshire and other invited experts, for a retrofit roundtable event. This note provides an overview of what was discussed and how you might replicate the productive forum across local government tiers on retrofit.
Scarborough Borough Council have shared a project report that builds in key learning from the LRAP training programme that aims to outline prioritised retrofit activities, locations, funding options, and community engagements, and identify actions that need to be taken in partnership with National Park Authorities. The ‘Hitting Hard’ report can be read here on the LEPs website.
The North York Moors National Park Authority also prepared a proposal of work, informed by the lead officer’s experience from participating in the programme to produce design code guidance on climate change and retrofitting of traditional buildings.
Stroud District Council have provided reflections from their participation on the local retrofit action planning training programme through a top 10 considerations other local authorities should consider when developing their own actions plans.
City of York Council has introduced a “Quickwins” Energy Efficiency Support Service to support its tenants with improving the energy efficiency of their homes and reducing the cost of fuel bills. During its operation the scheme has subsequently been involved in a more strategic role, being used to inform the design and rationale of schemes within the council’s developing retrofit programme as well as capital programme works.
Installing quick win energy efficiency measures in City of York Council
An anonymous blog on the experiences of working on retrofitting at a county council with top tips on where to start and how to focus your efforts.
Where to start on retrofit: A blog on the experiences of working at a County Council…
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Toolkit: LGA Climate Change Programme – regional retrofit action plan training
Bringing together officers of all levels to support them with developing the tools, skills, opportunities and capabilities required to help grow the retrofit sector in their region.