We represent local authorities' interests to Government and the national teacher unions in respect of the administration, development and costs of the Teachers' Pensions Scheme.
Bulletin 84 reports on last month’s meetings of the LGA’s TPLAAG meetings where the TPS administration was discussed. You can read about how feedback on MCR from local authorities has influenced the re-planning of the MCR project. You can also find details of the LGA’s new reference guides for TP practitioners that provide historic data about the TPS. Also included is the latest update on the pensions dashboards programme, together with news from the Pensions Ombudsman, the Pensions Regulator and Teachers’ Pensions.
LGA response to consultation – Teachers’ Pension Scheme: proposed changes to scheme regulations Government consultation – January 2022
LGA response to consultation – Teachers’ Pension Scheme: proposed changes to scheme regulations – June 2021
LGA response to the HM Treasury consultation – changes to transitional arrangements to the 2015 public service pension schemes – October 2020
Read the LGA response to the HMT Public service pension schemes consultation: changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes. The response deals with the impact of the proposals on the TPS and the Firefighters’ Pension Schemes.
COVID-19 survey: impact of COVID-19 restrictions on local authorities’ administration of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme – March 2020
Read the report of the survey that was sent out on 26 March to all local authorities in England and Wales to find out whether the restrictions due to the COVID-19 outbreak were impacting on LAs in their administration of the TPS.
LGA response to consultation – independent schools phased withdrawal – November 2019
Read the LGA’s response to the Government consultation on the proposal to change the TPS (England and Wales) rules to allow independent schools to continue to offer TPS membership to existing staff, but not to new teachers.
LGA response to funding the education sector for teacher pension increases – February 2019
Read the LGA response to the recent consultation to seek views on the DfE’s proposal to provide funding for certain educational institutions for the increase to employer contributions to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme in 2019/20.