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Supporting women and girls be active thumbnail

Summary of key findings: supporting women and girls to be active

In March 2024, the LGA’s Culture, Tourism and Sport (CTS) Board launched a call for evidence on supporting women and girls to be active. This report summarises the key findings and next steps.

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Supporting youth in low-income neighbourhoods stay active through sport

Supporting youth in low-income neighbourhoods stay active through sport

This is a practical guide for councillors and officers looking to do more in the area of improving physical activity levels for children and young people from low incomes. It includes tips and case studies to support councils on their journey.

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Decorative thumbnail

Reaching the less active: A guide for public sport and leisure services

Significant research shows that the most effective preventative measure for ill health and wellbeing is being active. Yet despite the evidence, the level of physical inactivity in England is continuing. This guide focuses on the public sport and leisure sector’s role in getting the less active more active.

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Sport and leisure: promoting health and wellbeing through public services

This guide looks at the contribution public sport and leisure services make to promoting health and wellbeing to encourage communities to be active and how this can be achieved through working with a range of partners.

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An introduction to archives for councils

Archives hold the unique and irreplaceable story of organisations, businesses, communities and individuals across the country. The National Archives, as archive sector lead in England, has written this reference guide to help councils better understand what archives are, why they are so important, and where to go for further information.

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Supporting community ownership of leisure and sports assets

This guide considers the powerful benefits of community-owned leisure and sport assets offers to communities and councils. The national policy direction has been set. But what does this mean for communities and councils and how can the benefits be maximised for all?

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Cornerstones of Culture

The final report of the Commission on Culture and Local Government explores the contribution of local culture, the barriers it faces and the four cornerstones that are essential to a healthy local cultural ecosystem.

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Combined authorities and the creative industries cover

Combined authorities and the creative industries

This report explores the role of combined authorities in relation to the creative industries and the potential of new opportunities for combined authorities to fulfil this role.

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Identifying additional financing options for public sport and leisure services

This guide seeks to highlight additional financing options to help sustain the sector and showcases learning from a number of councils who are already doing this.

Decorative thumbail

Harnessing culture and sport to deliver social prescribing and improve health outcomes

Harnessing innovation and the wealth of culture and leisure related social prescribing initiatives already being run will be crucial to meet the challenges facing communities and councils.

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