Community ownership has the potential to provide solutions to some of the issues currently facing sport and leisure services. However, it is not a one size fits all approach and nor can it resolve all the issues. However, it can be another tool to consider as you think about the future of the service.
Having ownership of a sport and leisure asset in your community can help support your services’/councils’ priorities in the following ways:
- Protects key local sport and leisure services used by communities and by the NHS. Protects facilities that may otherwise be lost and fall into disrepair and attract expensive maintenance and security costs.
- Provides a physical base for the provision of affordable and accessible local sport and leisure services.
- Allows generation of income that can be re-invested locally.
- Protects jobs that are at risk from facility closures. Provides training and business opportunities.
- Can reverse economic decline of an area and attract investment. Can act as leverage, enabling further investment to be negotiated.
- Enables more intensive use of assets and services when control is closer to the community. Encourages groups who may not have used traditionally run assets to participate.
- Can increase participation - membership, volunteering, drive up participation rates and physical activity levels and increase equality and diversity.
- Instils a renewed sense of pride and confidence in the community. Provides local people with a meaningful stake in the future development of the place in which they live and / or work and builds long-term support from the community.
- Creates an incentive to invest in the building to reduce running costs - e.g. energy efficiency.
- Skills and capacity are developed locally because of taking on and managing a building. Attracts new people with additional skills.
Lewes Football Club: creating positive, local impact and championing gender equality through the Equality FC initiativeLewes Football Club was transferred out of private ownership into a community ownership under
Lewes Community Football Club (Lewes CFC). The conversion into community ownership offered a new future for the club. Including a greater focus on equality and diversity. The club has demonstrated in a multitude of ways how a club no matter its size can be a positive influence on and off the pitch. There is greater emphasis on women’s and girls football. The women’s team play in the FA Championship (second tier of English women’s football) and the club are considered as a leading and influential club in promoting the women’s game and a host of socially positive causes such as
anti-gambling advertisements in sport. The club has developed a reputation for innovation, having a progressive attitude and gender equality under their
Equality FC initiative.
The following sections explore the wider benefits of community ownership in more detail.
Social value
"Social value is a broader understanding of value. It moves beyond using money as the main indicator of value, instead putting the emphasis on engaging people to understand the impact of decisions on their lives. The people’s perspective is critical." (Social Value UK)
The community ownership model and its governance arrangements incorporate various characteristics that generate social value. These include:
- social objectives are embedded in governing rules
- the board should be representative of the communities it represents
- transparency and accountability provides ‘check and balance’ mechanisms to help ensure they work for wider benefit
- people’s involvement is often to meet a local need.
The focus is on being sustainable through the provision of activities and services for local people that underpins the business model, capturing social value as a result.
Supporter ownership of spectator sports clubs and social value
The enhanced social value created from community ownership of spectator sports clubs has been discussed and evidenced to great extent including in Supporters Direct The Social and Community Value of Football report (2010). Supporter ownership creates greater local control, transparency and confidence to local stakeholders not least to supporters and councils that the club is being run for benefit beyond a small and often unrepresentative group of shareholders.
Councils’ recognition of a club’s local value and support for community ownership is often activated when a club is in financial trouble with key assets, such as if the stadium is at risk. Many councils are taking a more progressive approach to community ownership, supporting the club before it is at risk to create a partnership that helps the club and council to deliver their objectives. A great example is Chesterfield FC where Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council lent money to the club’s charitable trust for it to take majority control of the club.
Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council: Supporting the community trust to become the owner of a professional football club.
Chesterfield Football club has been an important part of the local community’s life for over 150 years. However, due to a legacy of debts and impacts from COVID-19 the club had been put up for sale putting its future at risk. In 2020
Chesterfield Community Trust became the first football community trust or charity to be the majority owner of a full-time professional football club. Chesterfield Borough Council and Derbyshire County Council lent the trust £500,000 to support the transfer of ownership to the trust.
The councils believed the new ownership model would produce positive social and economic benefits to the area. The club is now controlled by a ‘not for profit’ organisation which has a strong track record of delivery, a longstanding and positive relationship with both councils and a commitment to provide positive benefits to the local area that is embedded in its governing arrangements.
Not for profit – retaining value locally
The rules governing many community owned / Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) structures ensure profits are reinvested to deliver community benefit such as employing local people and supporting local businesses.
Profits can be re-invested to benefit local communities in various ways. Whether that be a ‘non for profit’ leisure provider re-investing in infrastructure, sports clubs applying surpluses for concessionary user rates or a community owned football club ensuring it has reserves for a rainy day (or a relegation) to ensure its long-term survival. A long-term outcome of this is the generation of local economic value and reassurance for councils investing in community ownership that it will deliver local benefits.
Procurement practices can help to retain local value. For example, the Public Services (Social Value) Act (2013) requires all public sector organisations and their suppliers to look beyond the financial cost of a contract to consider how the services they commission and procure can improve the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of an area. This can include improving wellbeing of individuals, communities and the environment by making social value a decision-making criterion when awarding contracts. This helps to keep money being contained/spent within the local economy, creating a multiplier effect as more money circulates within a local economy, generating income for local people. You can find out more in LOOP’s Introduction to Social Value. The LGA has produced a number of support tools to develop their social value commissioning practices.
Generating economic value
Giving communities an ownership stake in an organisation’s success can generate various financial benefits. It encourages local usage and patronage, can reduce operational costs and if they have charitable status it will create benefits such as tax relief. A stronger local economy can also be a legacy of localism and ‘levelling up’ agendas.
There are various scales of resources needed. For example, at the smaller end of the scale voluntary management and community ownership models can reduce operating costs and can increase the skills and capability of local people and the organisation. Enlisting volunteers to support local assets that have low to no revenue stream but are nevertheless valued locally can help create a sustainable business model. Key to this is to ensure the community organisation has the capability and local communities have sufficient ‘buy in’ to help make it work.
But, as the scale of the proposition increases, an employee-based model is required, however other benefits of community ownership remain. If the potential social and economic benefits are to be taken advantage of, the model needs to be run effectively with a ‘business orientated’ culture.
Enterprising and progressive culture with greater flexibility
‘Not for profit’ status does not mean a ‘non-business’ orientated culture. If a community organisation has the right structure, attracts the right people and is satisfying a need, it can create an enterprising culture reaping benefits of community ownership.
An enterprising culture can deliver both economic and social value, and cross-subsidies activities to reach groups that may otherwise be excluded because of unaffordable charges.
Not all community organisations and enterprises will have an enterprising culture, but it is important to recognise they can. Councils can help by identifying those with potential and supporting them to realise it.
Bronx Boxing
Bronx Boxing offers heavily subsidised school activities for young people, made possible by offering fitness classes on a more commercial basis. A simple model that provides social value along with a means of generating sufficient revenue. It has recently taken over a redundant building with a lease provided by London Borough of Southwark.
Potential to reduce costs
Despite the financial challenges facing councils, they spend around £1.1 billion per year on sport, leisure, parks, green spaces, pitches, playgrounds and community halls. As already highlighted, council provided sport and leisure facilities and pools are facing the very real possibility of closures. Councils need to look for different ways to sustain the service. By encouraging and involving greater community ownership, costs can be reduced, whilst safeguarding local sports provision and infrastructure for future generations.
Community ownership does not mean transferring liabilities to the community without due care and attention. It is about understanding how some of the benefits identified can transform a liability into a community asset, owned by an organisation that has alignment with the council.
If a strong business model can be generated from transferring an asset to the community, as long as the community entity has the capability, it can produce a sustainable future under local stewardship. Capital investment may often be required to produce a viable on-going business model.
Access to alternative sources of funding and finance
The traditional sports club is a major part of the sport and leisure delivery system. With about 70,000 clubs in England, it has always offered an alternative financial approach. Club membership offers the means of offering participation in a sustainable way with fees and secondary spend covering running costs. It will continue to be central to local sport and leisure delivery systems, offering value to councils and local communities.
The community asset ownership model offers alternative methods of financing sport and leisure provision beyond traditional club structures. The eligibility for additional sources of grant aid is an obvious method. As is their greater ability to secure donations, which also provides ‘gift aid’ benefits. Crowdfunding platforms offer quick and easy methods of raising funds.
The Sport England Active Together crowdfunding initiative can match fund, up to £10,000 to successful Crowd funder campaigns from a total pot of £7.5 million. It provides expert advice and guidance to support local clubs, organisations, town and parish councils to run their own crowdfunding campaign to raise funds to help recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Challenging community organisations to raise money from their local communities, by donation or investment, is a useful method of gauging their capability along with the level of local support for the asset or service. However, this may be less reliable considering the cost-of-living crisis and diminishing levels of disposable income.
As covered in Identifying additional financing options for public sport and leisure services, community owned entities can secure social investment from individuals (community based) and from social investment funds and lenders (institutional). The social investment seeks to produce a social return as well as financial, helping to steer local sport VCSs towards delivering social outcomes aligned to council policy objectives.
The growth of the social investment market presents opportunities for VCSs accessing finance not available for councils. It also helps address a structural issue for community ownership because they cannot secure finance from equity investment and traditional high street lenders may be reluctant.
VCSs that secure social impact investment from social investment funds and institutions will need to demonstrate they are ‘investment ready’. It can provide the required confidence to the council regarding their capability. The various forms of funding and finance available to VCSs and other community owned social enterprises can create the initial investment and ongoing revenues required to form viable and sustainable business models.
Community shares have been regularly used by community benefit societies to help communities to save and/or takeover local shops and pubs. Its application in sport and leisure has been less prevalent. Social investment secured from individuals, such as from community shares or loans, can provide tax relief opportunities to the investors. Creating significant incentives for investment to support local community sports assets. However, it is a complex area requiring specialist and costly advice, therefore creating a barrier for many community groups.
Partnership opportunities
The growth of local sports VCS providers delivering social outcomes creates various partnership opportunities. It offers councils a ready-made local delivery system, with providers who already share the council’s wider objectives.
Chances Fund Social Impact Bond demonstrates how local sports VCSs that use sport as a tool to deliver social outcomes can be a delivery partner for council services such as education and youth services. Demonstrating how the use of funding can help align their delivery with council policy objectives plus improve a VCS’s ability to evaluate the outcomes delivered.
If a council can support growth of community ownership it can establish a sympathetic local sports and leisure delivery system. One that is driven to deliver sports and physical participation plus uses sport as a tool to deliver wider social outcomes.
The partnership between Herefordshire Council and Halo Leisure services provides an example how a long-term community owned asset can be created with a strong business case and an inclusive approach. A key element was the loan from the Public Work Loans Board passed through to Halo Leisure services that enabled the leisure stock to be modernised, generating additional revenue to remove the need for a subsidy.