The need to address ongoing pressures, sustainable funding and the need for effective engagement with local government has been consistently raised by the member-led LGA Asylum, Refugee and Migration Task Group. The member led LGA Asylum, Refugee and Migration Task Group is made up of LGA lead members from across the LGA political groups and regional member representation covering all of the English regions and Devolved Administrations. It focuses upon the issues around the asylum, refugee and migration agenda at a national and strategic level from a local government political leadership perspective.
An Asylum and Resettlement Council Senior Engagement Group (ARCSEG) reporting to the Task Group aims to achieve better engagement and oversight; access to funding and data; and a place based and more equitable approach to dispersal. Meeting quarterly since 2019, the group is co-chaired by the LGA with representation from each region and devolved administration.
The LGA has been involved in discussions with Government and with regions for a long period of time on how to work together to find sustainable solutions that minimise the pressures on local authorities, local communities and vulnerable individuals. The LGA view is that aligned regionally coordinated programmes can meet the needs of vulnerable children and families, more quickly whilst minimising the impact on local communities; and utilising and funding central, regional and local governments' strategic and operational expertise and innovative practice.
The Home Office has further engagement with local government and providers at a devolved administration and regional level. Views and queries on this and other programmes can be directed to Strategic Migration Partnerships (see folder 6.
Please go to children and young people for more information on our work on social care for children and young people.
Although these were published some time ago, things to consider when setting up or reviewing your resettlement programme can be found in our publications Syrian refugee resettlement - a guide for local authorities and Resettling refugees: support after the first year - a guide for local authorities.
The LGA is working with Government to improve access to data on asylum and resettlement so councils can both plan and monitor impacts. Details of currently published data can be found on our data on asylum and resettlement page.
Local authorities should contact their Regional Strategic Migration Partnership (RSMP) for more advice or if they are interested in participating in any of the programmes detailed on this page.