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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA infographics reveal fragmented culture funding needs reform

The infographics reveal that, while local government is the largest single biggest funder of culture, this investment remains under threat due to the multitude of funding steams as well as the system for funding bids.

House building cranes

Urgent action is needed to ensure more housing is built to meet growing demand - LGA response to Government announcement on planning reforms

Local government stands ready to work with national government on their detailed delivery plans to ensure practical solutions to these long-standing problems are found.

A finance tracker notebook with pen

Local Audit Backlog written ministerial statement – LGA response

“We have been pressing for a pragmatic solution to the backlog in local audit so today’s announcement is positive. We are also pleased the Government has acted on our calls for backstop dates to avoid pre-election periods.

Two men discussing where the next bit of work should take place on a building site

Local housing deals could deliver almost 200,000 new social homes over the next 30 years

The roll-out of five-year local housing deals by 2025 would lead to 200,000 additional social homes being built over the span of 30 years, a new report by the Local Government Association says today.

Pound coins

LGA statement on public pay announcement and local government

Cllr Peter Marland, Chair of the LGA’s Economy and Resources Board, said: “Public sector workers do an incredible job to keep local services running day-in, day-out. However, while it is good that the Government will fund higher pay awards for parts of the public sector, the announcement did not provide any additional funding for pay in local government. Pay awards in local government are funded through council budgets. Those budgets continue to face severe and unprecedented challenges and therefore the pay offer in local government needs to be affordable to the sector. “The LGA will continue

Houses of Parliament against blue sky

Spending Review critical to the future of local services – LGA responds to Chancellor’s announcement

“This Spending Review will be critical to the future of our local services with councils facing a funding gap of more than £6 billion over the next two years.

Young children playing together in nursery

Educational outcomes for SEND pupils have failed to improve over last decade despite costs trebling, new independent report reveals

Educational attainment amongst children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) has not improved since the introduction of landmark reforms in 2014, despite councils projected to be spending £12bn on these services by 2026, up from £4bn a decade ago.

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LGA on Centre for Mental Health/Save the Children UK report on children’s mental health

“The most effective way to support low-income households is through an adequately resourced national safety net and sustainable long-term funding for vital council services."

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two people wearing uniforms inside a supermarket

LGA sets out devolved work and skills offer

The LGA says it stands ready to work with the Government to discuss how this offer can help deliver its missions to boost growth and break down barriers to opportunity.

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people touching hands

UK COVID-19 Inquiry report

This is a hugely important report by Baroness Hallett and, on behalf of local government, we thank her for her work to help the nation reflect on and understand what happened.

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