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Electric vehicles: Charge points and planning policies

The type of charger will determine where it should go. Rapid chargepoints will be needed where vehicles do not stay long whereas slower trickle charging is more appropriate for residential areas.

Electric vehicle - woman charging car


Planning policies

Planning policies facilitate the future growth and development of a place. Long term planning strategies should incorporate policies that facilitate the transition to ultra-low emission vehicles. There are many different appropriate approaches, including planning conditions, permitted development and new parking standards in local plans.

The Government has amended permitted development rights to allow the installation of chargepoints in some situations.

Amendments to building regulations are currently being consulted on to ensure that all new developments with parking have chargepoint provision. Councils will need to be aware of how their local plans can help shape the transition towards a low emission future. Given the diversity of the size, location and operation of charging infrastructure it is difficult to say how planning policy should be formulated in all circumstances, however there is an increasing amount of guidance which is included in our further resources section.


You can see where chargepoints are sited near you on this interactive map of chargepoints.